VBS deprecation 

Date: September 23, 2024
To:  InfoTech Listserv
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: VBS deprecation 

Dear colleagues,

According to official announcements from Microsoft, the Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is being deprecated.

VBScript is a coding language that has been widely used by developers to add dynamic interactivity and functionality to web pages. Deprecation starts in the second half of 2024 and will be entirely removed from future Windows OS releases.

What you need to do to prepare:

If you have websites or applications that still run on VBScript, we recommend migrating to either PowerShell or JavaScript and other alternatives. VBScript will be available as features on demand (FODs) until sometime around 2027.

Will the retirement of VBScript impact Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)?

    1. In the initial phase of VBScript deprecation, there should be no immediate impact on existing VBA solutions. You can continue using your VBA scripts as usual.
    2. Future Phases: As the deprecation progresses, future phases might introduce changes that could affect VBA, especially if your VBA projects rely on VBScript components.

More information is available on the Microsoft official announcement page.

Kind regards,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) 

Information Technology Services (ITS) 

University of Toronto