Reminder: U of T 30-day Microsoft Teams Chat Retention Protocol coming September 30, 2024

Date: September 12, 2024
To: ACE-IT, EITU, MTRC, InfoTech, Broader Channels
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Reminder: U of T 30-day Microsoft Teams Chat Retention Protocol coming September 30 


Dear colleagues, 

Following on the Aug 12, 2024 reminder memo on Teams Chat Retention, the University of Toronto will be implementing a 30-day retention protocol for all individual Teams Chats, effective September 30, 2024. These are messages that occur outside of a Microsoft Teams Channel.  

Important: Teams Chats deleted by a retention protocol are permanently removed and cannot be recovered. The new Teams Chat Retention protocol will be applied to all UofT Teams users.  

Based on community questions, here is additional guidance on preparing for the new protocol. 

    • Once the retention protocol is implemented, all chats that take place outside of a Teams channel will be subject to the 30-day retention rule. These messages will have a 30-day lifespan and will then be automatically deleted. For those with the existing 7-day retention protocol, the schedule will continue as before.  
    • Search your chat history and ensure that you copy and save those threads that are important to you before September 30, 2024. All messages older than 30 days will be affected. 
    • Is there a bulk mechanism to save chat threads? At present, there are no such tools. There are some simple methods to save chats, for example: 
    • To save a specific message from your Teams chat, hover over the message and click on the three-dot icon.  
    • Then, select the “Share to Outlook” option to send an email to the individual you had the conversation with or to yourself, ensuring the message is saved as an email. 
    • Any files or document links shared in one-on-one chats will remain accessible. To access these files, go to the specific Teams chat, then click on the Files tab next to the Chat tab. 
    • What happens to chat threads that are created during a meeting? 
    • If you intend to save chats from Teams meetings, the meeting must be created from inside a Team channel. These chats are not affected by the new retention protocol. Please refer to the knowledge base article, Creating a meeting from a Microsoft Teams Channel, to learn how to create a meeting from inside a Teams Channel. 
    • If there is no intent to preserve the meeting chat, it is not necessary to create the meeting inside a Team. 

Join us for MS Chat Retention information session on September 18 @11am. To add this event to your calendar, click Add to Calendar . You can also access the meeting via the Teams Meeting Link. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

Kind regards,  

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) 

Information Technology Services (ITS) 

University of Toronto