Reminder: Microsoft End of Support for Office 2016/2019 and connectivity to Microsoft 365 services (October 10, 2023)

As of October 10, 2023, Microsoft is discontinuing its Mainstream support for Office 2016 and Office 2019 versions.

Despite Microsoft not taking any active measures to block 2016 and 2019 Office versions from connecting to Microsoft 365 services (if they are kept up to date), legacy clients may encounter performance, reliability, and connectivity to UTMail+ and M365 services issues (Exchange Online, SharePoint or OneDrive).

Office version  Mainstream and connectivity to Microsoft 365 services Support End date  Extended Support End date 
Microsoft 365 Apps  Supported as long as you’re using a supported version.  N/A 
Office LTSC 2021  October 13, 2026  N/A 
Office 2019  October 10, 2023  Oct 14, 2025 
Office 2016  October 10, 2023  Oct 14, 2025 

To provide the best experience with using Microsoft 365 services and UTMail+ connectivity, we strongly recommend that you move off older Office versions to a recent and fully supported Microsoft 365 Apps Office Version.

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