Scheduled Outage: Changing Shared Mailbox Permissions – August 22 

Date: August 13, 2024
To: ACE-IT, EITU, MTRC, InfoTech, Broader Channels
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Scheduled Outage: Changing Shared Mailbox Permissions – August 22 


Dear colleagues,  

Please be advised that UTORGrouper will undergo a scheduled outage on Thursday, August 22, 2024, during which shared mailbox owners will not be able to add or remove users from shared mailboxes (generic U of T email addresses). However, sending and receiving messages in the shared mailbox will remain unaffected. 

Outage window – Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

After the outage is complete, there will be no change to the end-user experience. 

We will be sending out direct communications with detailed information to the shared mailbox owners(link) and the IT support specialists(link). 

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work to improve your UTORGrouper experience.  

Should you have any concerns or questions, please submit a ticket at 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.  


Kind regards,  

Ian Thomas 

Manager, Microsoft Cloud Architecture  

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)
Information Technology Services
University of Toronto