
Want to stay up to date on Connect+Learn’s training offerings? Subscribe to the weekly Connect+Learn newsletter to stay in the loop!

Connect+Learn sessions are targeted at University staff and aim to provide end-user training around common technologies and applications such as Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint and VPNs. Each session features a brief presentation followed by a question and answer discussion.

Links to previous session recordings and resources can be found on the Past Connect+Learn Sessions page.

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Upcoming Sessions

Please click Find out more under each event to read the full session description. On the event pages, use the Add to Calendar link to add the event to your calendar. You can also access the meeting via the Teams Meeting Link.

Did you miss a session from a previous week? Access the recording on our Past Connect+Learn Sessions page.

Connect+Learn: short ROSI and ROSI Express topics

Join us for a session about short ROSI and ROSI Express topics. In the session, we will discuss: Managing continuous courses, set up and enrolment (of particular interest to graduate …

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Connect+Learn: Migration from Azure Data Studio to Visual Studio Code

Join Connect+Learn for as session with the Reporting & Analytics Technology Team to learn about the upcoming migration from Azure Data Studio to Visual Studio Code. Microsoft announced that it …

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Connect+Learn: Migration from Azure Data Studio to Visual Studio Code

Join Connect+Learn for as session with the Reporting & Analytics Technology Team to learn about the upcoming migration from Azure Data Studio to Visual Studio Code. Microsoft announced that it …

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