EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – August 1 to November 30, 2021

Date: December 1, 2021
To: ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – August 1 to November 30, 2021


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for the NGSIS program and student systems. From August 1 to November 30, 2021, EASI completed close to 61 releases for a wide range of applications.

The following are major changes during this timeframe:

Course Information System
The Course Information System streamlines syllabi and exams processes for instructors and administrators. CIS has made the following releases: 

  • Course Experience Tagging (August 5)
    Syllabi submissions now have a section for instructors to indicate whether their course involves a major component of certain learning experiences. This process is intended to support clear communication with students regarding required course experiences, as well as enable proactive faculty support and resourcing for various types of experiences, such as off-campus or laboratory-based experiences. Review a full overview of the goals of this process and the typology of learning experiences.
  • Improvements to the Exam Details Excel Spreadsheet (August 5)
    The Exam Details extracts for administrative staff now include two new columns for course titles and delivery modes for every course section.
  • Updates to Exam Details Submissions (August 5)
    Due to the University returning to campus for the Fall 2021 session, the Exam Details form for certain divisions was restructured to accommodate the range of delivery approaches a course may have.

Curriculum Management (CM) and Curriculum Publisher (CP)
Course Experience tags have been added to CM to reflect elements of Work-Integrated Learning incorporated into the design of undergraduate courses. The data is now available for reporting purposes and to be made available to students in Calendars, timetables and syllabi (via the Course Information System). Undergraduate divisions are adding the data to CM over the course of the current governance cycle. Course requisites fields have also been upgraded to accept formatting.

Curriculum Publisher has been upgraded to the current version of Drupal (9) ensuring adequate support and security.

COVID-19 Mitigation
In advance of the start of the Fall and Winter sessions, we assisted a number of divisions with batch updates of course offering information that was changed due to COVID-19 mitigations. This included both delivery mode information and a later start date for the winter session.

Integration with Admission Application Systems (Slate for the School of Graduate Studies overall and Salesforce for graduate Rotman programs)
EASI has developed a number of Application Programming Interfaces (API) to import application, admission and response data for applicants to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) overall and for a specific application for Rotman graduate programs. These APIs replace older batch processes for the legacy SGS admissions application and manual entry for admission decisions and responses, and the initial application for Rotman. These new integrations will reduce data entry by administrative staff, improve data integrity and decrease the time required for data transfer.