EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Dec. 1, 2021 to Mar. 31, 2022

Date: March 31, 2022
To: ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Dec. 1, 2021 to Mar. 31, 2022


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for the NGSIS program and student systems. From December 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, EASI completed close to 66 releases for a wide range of applications.

The following are major changes during this timeframe:

Degree Confirmation (March 1)
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration in collaboration with the Office of Convocation launched the new Degree Confirmation on March 1. This application allows third parties to verify that alumni have U of T credentials, and all public details associated with those credentials. The solution simplifies the degree request and payment process and provides a responsive desktop and mobile-friendly user experience. It has streamlined processes for administrative staff by using a combination of automated requests and manual review while maintaining a high degree of accuracy.

 Course Information System (CIS)
The Course Information System streamlines syllabi and exams processes for instructors and administrators. CIS has made the following releases: 

  • Improvements to Course Groupings (December 13)
    Sections of all primary teaching methods can now be grouped together, allowing administrative staff greater flexibility and control creating Course Groups.
  • Angular Upgrade – Phase 1 (February 15)
    The first phase of migrating the front-end framework has been completed. The new framework ensures CIS continues to receive critical security updates in a timely manner.

Accommodated Testing Services (ATS)
The ATS project streamlines accommodated testing processes for students, instructors and administrators. ATS has made the following releases: 

  • Improvements for Instructors and Administrators (Feb 15, 2022)
    Several targeted improvements to the CIS Accommodations functionality based on feedback from instructors and administrative staff. Improvements include enhanced filtering options for administrators and clarified statuses for instructors.
  • Restrict final exams display (March 4 and 10)
    Prevent unnecessary final exams from displaying to instructors for undergraduate courses in ARTSC and APSC on the CIS Accommodations tab. The second release on March 10 implemented a permanent solution to this issue that will affect all upcoming final exam periods.
  • Improvements for Administrators (March 31, 2022)
    Several targeted improvements for administrative staff users including enhanced information displayed on the designates screen, controlling access to course pre-fix, and, the ability to select designates by entering UTORid and Utoronto email address.

Curriculum Management (CM) and Curriculum Publisher (CP)
Course Experience tags have been added to CM to reflect elements of Work-Integrated Learning incorporated into the design of undergraduate courses. The data is now available for reporting purposes and to be made available to students in Calendars, timetables and syllabi (via the Course Information System). Undergraduate divisions are adding the data to CM over the course of the current governance cycle and the data points will be added to information supplied to CP. Course requisites fields have also been upgraded to accept formatting.