Past Connect+Learn Sessions

Use this page to find recordings and documentation of previous Connect+Learn sessions.

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Monthly SIS Training Resources & Support Session

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for an informative Connect+Learn session on SIS Training Resources & Support, tailored primarily for new ROSI users. The Student Information Systems (SIS) group manages enterprise student and curriculum applications, and processes for the University.

SIS provides reporting tools, enhancement and production request forms, and support for the SIS applications. In the session, we will discuss:

  • Student Information Systems – What we do and how to get help
  • Student Information Systems Training Materials & Resources 
  • What we support and what we do not (and where to go for those)
  • When to use ESC and how to write a ticket and use ESC appropriately


Count and Registration Cleanup

Join us for a Connect+Learn session on Count and Registration Cleanup. The Enrolment Count is performed three times annually by Planning & Budget (P&B) for the internal distribution of funding, enrolment projection, and divisional planning. These statistics are sent to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to monitor future funding allocations.

This session will guide staff in academic units through the process of interpreting the initial count procedures instructions from P&B. Topics will include:

  • What action to take when you receive the Count Procedures Email Notification from P&B
  • Financial Cancellation (“FINCA”) timelines and procedures
  • ROSI Pre-Count Diagnostics
  • ROSI screens that will be useful for reviewing registration or activity status changes

Staff from Planning & Budget will be presenting this session with the EASI-SIS team.


Teams Chat Retention Protocol – Session 03 (Final Reminder)

This is the 3rd information session regarding the upcoming Teams Chat Retention Protocol, a repetition of the first two information sessions we conducted in June, 2024. In this session covered:

    • Why are we not keeping Teams chat history indefinitely?
    • What is the scope of this protocol? Who does it impact?
    • What messages are affected, and which ones remain unaffected?
    • What will happen on September 30, 2024?
    • What if I am on another retention policy?
    • What will happen to the files that are shared over Teams chat?
    • Preparing for this change
    • Final Reminder
    • Roundtable discussion



Monthly SIS Training Resources & Support Session

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for an informative Connect+Learn session on SIS Training Resources & Support, tailored primarily for new ROSI users. The Student Information Systems (SIS) group manages enterprise student and curriculum applications, and processes for the University.

SIS provides reporting tools, enhancement and production request forms, and support for the SIS applications. In the session, we will discuss:

  • Student Information Systems – What we do and how to get help
  • ROSI and OASIS Training Materials & Resources
  • What we support and what we do not (and where to go for those)
  • When to use ESC and how to write a ticket and use ESC appropriately


Opening of Term and Registration

Join us for a Connect+Learn session on Opening of Term and Registration. This session will demonstrate processes and explore some key topics for academic units and Registrars’ Offices to prepare for the upcoming academic term. Monitoring registration using ROSI reports, clearing admission conditions and maintaining leaves of absences will be discussed. Attendees will be able to learn how to look up data manually and produce summary reports to identify outstanding enrolment issues and to keep track of registration volume.

Topics to be discussed:

    • Monitoring Registration – Reports
    • Registration Information (4AAB/4ACB) – what it means
    • Student Conditions (4AEC)
    • Leaves of Absence
    • Generating class lists (review)

