To: Past RPT Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Important Update for Past RPT Users
Dear all past RPT users:
As you may be aware, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) has launched the next phase of an upgrade to the Administrative Management Systems (AMS). You may also be aware that as part of this launch, the RPT instance is no longer being refreshed and staff are now using AMS to run all reports.
In September 2020, we sent a communication anticipating a pilot of a modern user interface to enable users to run a range of key reports prior to, and during, the holiday shut down period. Due to time and resource constraints, largely as a result of the combination of COVID-19, implementation of essential HR year-end support packs, and the need to ensure all other systems continue to work effectively after the recent upgrade, we will need to delay the launch of this interface until early 2021. This additional time will ensure the solution we provide has been tested thoroughly and is fully stable.
It is anticipated that the new reporting solution will be available 24/7 and will be part of the University’s first steps into SAP’s latest and greatest web-based user experience offering: the SAP Fiori Launchpad. The solution will offer a range of key reports that were identified after consultation with a number of Central and Divisional users and will provide reporting functionality during scheduled AMS downtimes (Fiscal Year End, Holiday Shut Down (2021 and beyond), Fiscal Month End and pay runs).
We will provide an update early next year and we will also present a Connect+Learn session to highlight new features for reporting.
We hope you have a wonderful holiday break and look forward to connecting with you in 2021.
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)