EASI Retirements: May 2024

Congratulations to Bob Dirstein, who will be retiring on May 31, 2024, after 13 years of dedicated service at U of T. Known for his unwavering dedication to improving U of T’s research systems, particularly the My Research (MR) platform, Bob has been instrumental in strengthening U of T’s position as a global research leader.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Bob’s presence will be greatly missed for the joy, laughter, and camaraderie he has brought to our workplace, including funny anecdotes, tales of cycling, and his journey into the world of square dancing.

As we bid farewell to Bob, we’ll fondly remember his commitment to excellence and his talent for fostering cohesive teams. Please join me in celebrating his remarkable career and wishing him a retirement filled with new adventures and continued happiness.

Swetlana Signarowski
Executive Director, EASI, University of Toronto

Bob Dirstein

Bob Dirstein, Project Manager/Analyst
Joined U of T: September 1995 – October 2001
Joined EASI: November 2017
Last day at EASI and Retirement: May 31, 2024

Describe your background and how you arrived at EASI
I had worked as a Grants Officer in University of Toronto Research Services in the 90s, where among other things I worked with Pamela Harris to build a system to automate the set-up of approximately 300 annual accounts for the SSHRC institutional grant.  (We just retired this system 3 years ago and folded its functionality into My Research Applications & Agreements – MRA.)

I then went to Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson) where I was Director of the Office of Research Services for a decade and after that I started my own company. One of my first clients was U of T, where I started working on the administrative research systems.  When the previous project manager, Patrick Boal, retired in 2017 I was asked if I would apply for the position. The rest is history.

What will you remember most about EASI?
My co-workers. They have been a wonderful group of people to work with and get to know. That and the scavenger hunts.

What were some of the key projects that you were most proud to work on?
I’ve really only worked on one massive project, the My Research (MR) system. For those of you not familiar with MR, it’s a system that handles all the administrative aspects of research, with the exception of Intellectual Property Management. It covers research proposal submission and internal review, non-funded agreements e.g., Material Transfer Agreements, Human and Animal Ethics protocol submission and review, research account set-up and expense review, and tracking of financial deliverables.

What will you remember most about U of T?
The friends that I’ve made here.

What do you plan to do in retirement?
Figure out what I want to be when I grow up. My only immediate goal involves cycling. I bought myself a nice carbon fibre road bike a couple of summers ago. Last summer I made a few trips to Niagara Falls with it. This summer’s goal is to make it there and back in the same day, about 350 km. Wish me luck!


Generating ROSI and ROSI Express Reports session on April 25 at 11 a.m.

Date: April 17, 2024
To: ROSI Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Generating ROSI and ROSI Express Reports session on April 25 at 11 a.m. 


Dear SIS users,

Please join us for a Connect+Learn session on Generating ROSI and ROSI Express Reports on Thursday, April 25 at 11 a.m.

This session will explore several methods that staff in academic units and Registrars’ Offices can use to generate class lists, reports, and downloads of ROSI information. The initial focus of this session will be on the new class list report which is generated from ROSI Express using Power BI. Attendees will be shown a basic feature set and how to navigate the refreshed interface. Current ROSI screens used for report generation and how to pick up the file output from ROSI Files will also be explained. Similarly, the downloads portion of this session will explain how to access file output and formatting files, including headers, for practical use.

Topics to be addressed:

  • New Class List reports in ROSI Express (Power BI)
  • Sending ROSI reports to ROSI Files (PDF and Excel formats)
  • Download basics (time permitting)

Note: Registration is not required for this event. Please use the Connect+Learn iCal attached in this email to add the event to your calendar. You can also access the meeting via the Teams Meeting Link.

Student Information Systems

ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, May 24

Date:  April 11, 2024
To:  ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, May 24


Dear ROSI users,

Please note that we will need to take ROSI and most associated student information systems offline on Friday, May 24 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.

In addition, while ROSI-REPLICA on the Managed Instance (MI) will remain accessible during the maintenance, data will not be synced with ROSI starting at 5 p.m. It will be synced again at 9 p.m. when maintenance is complete. Other batch procedures will be suspended during the outage but will resume after the maintenance is completed.

The following systems will be affected:

  • Accommodated Testing Services (Student and Admin)
  • Course Information System
  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • EASI Institutional File Transfer
  • eMarks
  • Online Administrative Student Information System (OASIS) – including Absence Declaration, and the Timetable Builder and Transfer Equivalencies database administrative screens
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • ROSI Files
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Web services/APIs

Timetable Builder (Student) will remain available.

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad and social media so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre http://www.uoft.me/esc

Student Information Systems

ROSI Invoice Screen (7AGH and 7AGG) Interface Update

Date: April 10, 2024
ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: ROSI Invoice Screen (7AGH and 7AGG) Interface Update


ROSI Users,

Some users have been experiencing a “Restart ROSI” error message when attempting to scroll through financial invoices on the 7AGH and 7AGG screens. Due to a security update with the technical infrastructure that supports ROSI, we have made a minor permanent modification to the user interface on screens 7AGH and 7AGG to prevent this error from reoccurring.

The scrolling action buttons (e.g., Down) have been removed, and the “Print” button has been renamed to “Display”. The “Display” button will act the same as the current “Print” button, which opens invoices as a PDF in a new browser tab. Invoices in this tab will continue to be scrollable and are also now searchable (e.g., using Ctrl + F to bring up a keyword search window).

Note: You will need to have
pop ups enabled in your browser for ROSI to display this invoice screen.

Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.

Monthly SIS Training Resources & Support Session

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for an informative Connect+Learn session on SIS Training Resources & Support, tailored primarily for new ROSI users. The Student Information Systems (SIS) group manages enterprise student and curriculum applications, and processes for the University. 

SIS provides reporting tools, enhancement and production request forms, and support for the SIS applications. In the session, we will discuss:

  • Student Information Systems – What we do and how to get help
  • ROSI and OASIS Training Materials and Resources
  • What we support and what we don not (and where to go for those)
  • When to use ESC and how to write a ticket and use ESC appropriately


Progress Update: SAP GUI 8.0 Patch 4 Upgrade

Date: April 10, 2024
To: Divisional IT Administrators (who have SAP GUI users that they manage)
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Progress Update: SAP GUI 8.0 Patch 4 Upgrade


Dear divisional IT administrators:

As you may be aware, U of T will be transitioning from the currently unsupported SAP GUI 7.6 (Patch 6) to SAP GUI 8.0 (Patch 4). This update offers performance improvements, and enhanced stability and security.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) has been developing a deployment package and instructions for this upgrade. Initial pilot deployments with select users have highlighted opportunities for further refinement.

To ensure a smooth transition to the new version, we will be conducting additional testing and will refine the deployment package before announcing a broader rollout in early May. We will be encouraging all divisions to upgrade to SAP GUI 8.0 (Patch 4) by June 30, 2024.

Please note that this upgrade will minimally impact business processes and will be easy for users to adapt – once upgraded, users will see a simplified list of connection entries on the Logon Pad, and they will be able to connect to the AMS environment. There will be no changes to the theme.

We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to enhance our deployment process for the benefit of the University community.

Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12  

Date: April 11, 2024
To:  ROSI Users
From:  Student Information Systems
Re: Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on
Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12 


*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of University Registrar’s Office – Student Accounts ***

Please do NOT process any batch or online Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12.

If you process a CHOP for a student during this period, the student’s fees will be calculated incorrectly and in a manner that will be very difficult and time-consuming for Student Accounts to correct.

The student’s ACORN Financial Account may be blocked while the corrections are made.

If you must process a CHOP for a student during this period, then you must trigger fees assessment by viewing the student’s invoice and forward an email message to bonnie.vincze@utoronto.ca.

University Registrar’s Office – Student Accounts is testing the Summer 2024 session fees assessment process during this period, and if the testing is successful, fees assessment will be turned ‘ON’ at 5pm on Friday, April 12 and fees will be available to view on ROSI on Monday, April 15.

Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.


Student Information Systems

Meet Windows 11

April 03, 2024

This session covers the latest version of Windows 11:

  • Introduce new features like Snap Layouts & Copilot for Microsoft Edge
  • Revisit features that have been improved since Windows 10
  • Highlight UI changes and tweaks
  • Connect the dots to its integration with Microsoft Intune



AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2024

Date: April 2, 2024
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2024 


Hi everyone,

This year AMS will close for FI year-end processing on Friday, April 26, 2024 at 7pm and will re-open on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7am. 

ERDD and the Capital Projects Portal and Invoice Workflow will resume regular functionality on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7am, and uSOURCE will resume operation at 9am.

The following summarizes the AMS system availability during the week prior to year-end closing:

Date Status
Tuesday, April 16 System closes for bi-weekly payroll at 5pm
Wednesday, April 17 System re-opens at 7am
Thursday, April 18 System open regular hours
Friday, April 19 System closes for “Copy Plan to Budget” at 7pm
Saturday, April 20 System re-opens at 7am
Sunday, April 21 System open regular hours
Monday, April 22 System closes for monthly payroll phase 1 at 5pm
Tuesday, April 23 System re-opens at 7am

System closes for monthly payroll phase 2 at 5pm

Wednesday, April 24 System re-opens at 7am
Thursday, April 25 System open regular hours
Friday, April 26 System closed to all users at 7pm
Saturday, April 27 and Tuesday, April 30 System closed to all users
Wednesday, May 1 System re-opens at 7am except uSOURCE opens at 9am

Please check our System Availability page for information on all systems.

For information on the impact of the year-end closing dates on reporting and processing, refer to the Financial Services website.

Please note that the Fiori Launchpad Reporting will remain available.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)