System Outage – December 2 from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Date: November 21, 2023
U of T Staff
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: System Outage – December 2 from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Hi everyone,

Please note that the systems below will be unavailable on Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This outage is planned to facilitate yearly system and application maintenance and the implementation of the University of Toronto Research Account (UTRAC). UTRAC, the successor to the Funded Research Digest (FReD), is the first phase of My Research Funds (MRF) and will launch on December 2.

In addition, there will be a technical back-end change to the payroll posting program. This change should result in minimal impact to business processes. Further details will be forthcoming.

Unavailable Systems

  • Academic Administrative Appointments (AAA)
  • Capital Project Portal
  • Employee Self-Service (ESS)/Manager Self-Service (MSS)
  • Employees@UofT
  • EvoSuite Applications (EvoOrder, EvoPlan, EvoNotify)
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • Fiori Launchpad Reporting
  • Invoice Workflow
  • My Customer Account
  • My Research (MR/Portal)
  • SAP Asset Manager Mobile (sync will not work)

See our System Availability page for ongoing information on system status.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

‘It’s been a great run!’: Q&A with soon-to-retire Cathy Eberts after 29 years of dedicated service

When I first started working with Cathy, it did not take me long to see that she had amazing relationships, built on trust. Cathy led a large, competent and talented team. She always put a lot of effort into her people and that is a sign of an amazing leader. I trusted her to deliver and was pleased to appoint her deputy CIO. I need to thank her for that, as it allowed me to focus on other areas that needed attention.

There will not be another Cathy, but her legacy will live on and ITS will build on the partnerships she created. Cathy’s advice and guidance through the pandemic was sage and priceless. I could not have done the last six years here without her. I would like to say to Cathy, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your contributions to the University. Enjoy the well-earned time with family.”

Bo Wandschneider
Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services

Headshot of Cathy Eberts

Cathy Eberts, Director Enterprise Applications & Deputy CIO
Joined U of T: November 24, 1994
Retirement and last day at EASI: November 30, 2023

How did you arrive at U of T and how have your roles changed over the years?
I actually applied to the University back in the day using the old-fashioned method of responding to an ad in the newspaper for a System Manager in Research Services. During the early part of my career, I was responsible for implementing what is now known as RIS – a custom developed Research Administration system using SAP. It was a very tumultuous time in general with the university also planning for a wider implementation of SAP for Finance and HR before Y2K. SAP was very new with many consultants on site and many business process and organizational changes underway. Following that I moved through a natural progression of my career overseeing the DUA system (once on SAP), all the AMS systems, then SIS and NGSIS, and finally as the Director for Enterprise Systems. Adding the Digital Workplace/M365 team to EASI, just prior to the pandemic, definitely threw a little spice into my job!

How has IT evolved at U of T and in higher education and what do you think the future holds?
There, of course, have been many IT changes over the years, not just in terms of technology but also in terms of organization. When I started in the mid-90s, the internet was just becoming “a thing” so creating a new website for Research Services was considered quite novel. The world was coming to an end with Y2K so the race was on to implement SAP and a new student system. There was no CIO and IT was very decentralized and embedded into various business areas. I survived those early years to eventually see the centralization of ITS and all the new technologies we now embrace. Especially fascinating to me has been the explosion of new digital workplace and Microsoft 365 tools that took hold during the pandemic.

I don’t know what the future holds but from what I am seeing, we are entering another IT hype cycle with AI, automated processes, citizen developers, data engineers and so on. Our business partners are anxious to take advantage of many of these technologies as we emerge from the pandemic. All I can say is hang on to your hats!

What have you found most interesting about working at U of T?
I think the most interesting aspect of working at U of T is that it isn’t one big organization but is really a collection of many very different divisions and departments focused on post-secondary education. When my children were young, we made a point of regularly attending the “Take Your Kids to Work Day” every year. Over the years, we explored almost every corner of the campus at this event from Nursing to KPE, to Zoology. The size and complexity of U of T is really quite amazing. The fact that our ITS team has the privilege of providing the vast array of IT services needed to support this complexity has made working here all the more fun and interesting.

What were some of the key projects that you were most proud to work on?
There are many. I am still very proud of the very first system I was involved in which was the Research System. It still stands today as one of the best Research Systems in Canada. But there have been a number of very large strategic programs I have been involved in since, most notably NGSIS, and the more recent work around our SAP modernization plans, as well as some of the focused work on HR transformation with the PSEC division. It has always been very gratifying for me to see this work come to fruition for staff and students in applications such as ACORN and SAP SuccessFactors. It’s been a great run!

Your schedule has been extremely busy – how did you balance it all?
I think one of the most hectic times in my career was when I was completing my MEd part time at OISE. It coincided with incredible pressures at work and then in initiating and managing the new NGSIS program. My kids at the time were also heavily involved in sports and I didn’t want to miss a minute of them on the field, the ice, or the dance floor. Of course, there was a lot of family support to relieve some of this pressure, but I also had to learn to be extremely well organized. Still, I worked evenings and weekends for many years to fit it all in. I won’t have to worry about that anymore!

What will you remember most about EASI and U of T?
I’ve always been very proud of the work and the staff we have in EASI. I don’t mind a challenge so will definitely miss solutioning and brainstorming with the various EASI teams, and the comradery that comes with working together on larger projects and initiatives. When you work at the University, you also have the opportunity to work with some of the brightest people in the world so there is definitely a feeling of pride when you tell people you work at U of T.

What advice would you give to those working in IT at U of T?
Take the time to explore the campus and the various opportunities for learning if you can. There are so many options to extend your professional or personal development through the School of Continuing Studies, the U of T Learning and Leadership Centre, additional degree or masters programs, and so on. I think many of us become too busy to invest in ourselves but try to take advantage of this incredible culture of learning while you are here – it won’t last forever.

What do you plan to do in retirement?
Wind down and spend less time on a computer and more time connecting with family, traveling the country, playing sports, and volunteering for causes and organizations that I care about. We may foster for a cat rescue organization if we can renovate our garage for expectant mothers. Kittens are a lot of fun!

Jira Migration Connect+Learn – November 21 and 22

Date: November 9, 2023
Jira Users
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Jira Migration Connect+Learn – November 21 and 22


Dear Jira Users,

As you are aware, Atlassian has announced that support for Jira Software Server will end on February 15, 2024. As a result, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) and partner divisions will be moving to the Azure DevOps platform as part of the Jira Migration Project.

Divisions that are currently using Jira Server, and are not interacting with EASI projects, are encouraged to transition to Azure DevOps due to its increased security, alignment with U of T’s technical roadmap and future evolution with Microsoft. If your division is transitioning to Jira Cloud, Jira Software Cloud Standard is recommended as the minimum due to security requirements.

Join one of the following Connect+Learn sessions to learn about this project, including:

  • An overview of the Jira Migration Project
  • Highlights and advantages of Azure DevOps
  • Why U of T recommends transitioning to Azure DevOps
  • Onboarding and billing processes for Azure DevOps
  • Type of support available and accessing resources

 Connect+Learn Details:
Tuesday, November 21 at 1:00 p.m.
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+1 647-794-1609,,887159745#   Canada, Toronto (Toll)
Phone Conference ID: 887 159 745#
Add to Calendar

Wednesday, November 22 at 11:00 a.m.
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+1 647-794-1609,,328275717#   Canada, Toronto (Toll)
Phone Conference ID: 328 275 717#
Add to Calendar

If your division would like to onboard to Azure DevOps, please fill out this form. Once onboarded, divisions will be charged back on a quarterly basis.

EASI will continue to work to onboard partner divisions, as listed on the project webpage, to Azure DevOps.

Questions? Please contact Laurel Williams, Project Lead, at

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

SIS Training Resources & Support Session

Join Connect+Learn for a session on SIS Training Resources & Support. The Student Information Systems (SIS) group manages enterprise student and curriculum applications, and processes for the University.

SIS provides reporting tools, enhancement and production request forms, and support for the SIS applications.

In the session, we will discuss:

    • Student Information Systems – What we do and how to get help
    • ROSI and OASIS Training Materials & Resources
    • What we support and what we do not
    • When to use ESC and how to write a ticket and use ESC appropriately


Win a Prize – Name U of T’s Next Timekeeping and Scheduling Solution

Date: November 2, 2023
AMS Listserv
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: Win a Prize – Name U of T’s Next Timekeeping and Scheduling Solution


Hi everyone,

As you may be aware, the current Kronos Workforce Central will be coming to the end of its life in 2025. As a result, U of T will be upgrading to Ultimate Kronos Group’s (UKG’s) Dimensions timekeeping and scheduling solution in advance of 2025.

As we are kicking off this exciting new project, we want to take this opportunity to rebrand and launch a naming contest for the new scheduling solution.

We are inviting you to participate in this contest and to submit your suggestions by November 23, 2023, for a chance to win a prize.

Enter the Contest


  • High-quality UKG backpack
  • 30$ Amazon Gift Card

Questions? Please contact Farah Ally at

 Additional Background and Project Information:
Our central timekeeping and advanced scheduling solution has over 6,000 users and is established in over 20+ clients/faculties and divisions at the University. Dimensions offers an improved look and feel while retaining the robust timekeeping functionality currently available in Kronos’ Workforce Central.

For more information, please go to this link:


Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration

ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, Dec 8

Date:  November 2, 2023
To:  ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, Dec 8


Dear ROSI users,

Please note that we will need to take ROSI and most associated student information systems offline on Friday, December 8 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.

In addition, while ROSI-REPLICA on the Managed Instance (MI) will remain accessible during the maintenance, data will not be synced with ROSI starting at 5 p.m. It will be synced again at 9 p.m. when maintenance is complete.

The following systems will be affected:

  • Accommodated Testing Services (Student and Admin)
  • Course Information System
  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • EASI Institutional File Transfer
  • Elections
  • eMarks
  • Online Administrative Student Information System (OASIS) – including Absence Declaration, and the Timetable Builder and Transfer Equivalencies database administrative screens
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • ROSI Files
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Web services/APIs


Timetable Builder (Student) will remain available.

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad and social media so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre

Student Information Systems

EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, 2023

Date: October 31, 2023
To:  ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, 2023


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for the NGSIS program and student systems. From August 1 to October 31, 2023, EASI completed 27 releases for a wide range of applications.

The following are major changes during this timeframe:

ACORN Absence Declaration Changes (September 5)
On September 5, the ACORN team, in collaboration with the University Registrar’s Office, released updates to the Absence Declaration feature within ACORN. These changes include updates to the number of declarations a student can make in a single session. Students will also automatically receive a copy of the declaration once submitted, and have the option of emailing the declaration to their instructor or other administrators who need to be made aware of the absence.

Timetable Builder (August 1 to October 31, 2023)
Timetable Builder allows students to easily create and optimize their course schedules with a convenient, user-friendly and accessible user experience. Divisional calendars can now be linked to courses in Timetable Builder, users can now see Credit Value under course information, and room location has been removed from course sections, directing users to access this information through ACORN.

Curriculum Management (CM) (August 1 to October 31, 2023)
Curriculum Management allows divisions to propose, change and retire courses and programs using divisional specific governance processes. Forms have been changed and additional data points have been created to accommodate graduate programs and courses. Course and program approval workflows were also modified, and the School of Graduate Studies programs were uploaded to Curriculum Management. Graduate course upload is in progress.

Student Advising Service (SAS) (August 1 to October 31, 2023)
On July 26, the University of Toronto launched the Student Advising Service, a platform set to enhance advising supports and resources for the University’s students and advising staff, increase administrative efficiencies and increase overall student wellbeing, success and retention. In August, all advising staff in the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (KPE) and staff working in the Office of the Faculty Registrar at the Faculty of Arts & Science (A&S) started to use the service. Staff in A&S colleges have been trained through the month of October and A&S academic units will follow later in the 2023-24 academic year. The SAS team is currently onboarding three new divisions: the Faculty of Information (iSchool), the Faculty of Music, and the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, as well as working to implement the student facing portal, which is expected to launch in the summer of 2024.

Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) (August 1 to October 31, 2023)
Accommodated Testing Services coordinates on-campus assessment accommodations for students with disabilities who are enrolled in in-class courses offered on the St. George Campus. ATS has released the following enhancements:

  • Ability for administrative staff to change the test type of test definition.
  • Functionality for students to book term assessments for an upcoming session.
  • Ability to move a booking across a test definition.
  • Functionality to export test definition to Clockwork when there is no booking associated with it.
  • Additional technical housekeeping tasks were completed to improve the technical foundation and structure of the system.

Course Information System (CIS) (August 1 to October 31, 2023)
The Course Information System streamlines syllabi and exams processes for instructors and administrators. CIS has made the following releases: 

  • FAS Exam Details Module Enhancements (August 23, 2023)
    Enhancements to the Exam Details module for the Faculty of Arts & Science to align CIS with the updated business needs and processes.
  • Divisional Course Policies & Statement Updates (September 2023)
    Updated course statements for the Faculty of Arts & Science, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, and the Faculty of Music.
  • Additional Module Enhancements (October 12, 2023)
    Minor enhancements to the Final Exam and Syllabus Builder modules for the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto Scarborough, and Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.


Student Information Systems