EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – March 1 to July 31, 2021

Date: August 3, 2021
To: ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From: Student Information Systems 
Re: EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – March 1 to July 31, 2021


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for the NGSIS program and student systems. From March 1 to July 31, 2021, EASI completed close to 100 releases for a wide range of applications.

The following are major changes during this timeframe:

Curriculum Management / Curriculum Publisher
In January 2021, the University of Toronto Mississauga completed its first governance cycle for courses and programs in Curriculum Management. In the fall of 2020, Student Information Systems and UTM began implementing UTM’s first Calendar in Curriculum Publisher, building the new framework from scratch. The Calendar itself was finalised and published on June 14, 2021. Each Calendar published in Curriculum Publisher this year has first undergone an upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 and in many cases enhancements made to functions within each Calendar.

 Course Information System
The Course Information System streamlines syllabi and exams processes for instructors and administrators. CIS has made the following releases:

  • Administrative Access to Historical Data (March 30, 2021)
    This new feature allows Department Administrators and Registrar’s Offices to view submitted data from any past session, reducing the need for divisions to manually download and archive CIS data themselves.
  • Divisional User Management (April 28, 2021)
    Registrar’s Offices now have the ability to manage administrative access to CIS for their division on their own.
  • Refactoring & Performance Improvements (June 23, 2021)
    A variety of performance improvements, usability enhancements, and bug fixes were released. Most notably, the load times in a few different areas of the system have been noticeably reduced and the Syllabi and Exam Details Excel extracts have been improved to handle larger datasets.

Absence Declaration Enhancement (July 6, 2021)
EASI released an upgrade to the Absence Declaration tool available in ACORN for students and previously in ROSI for Administrators. The Absence Declaration enhancement allows administrators to track current, past and cancelled absences with more detail, including date, course, session, instructor, students’ notes and administrators’ notes. The administrators’ screens for Absence Declaration are housed on the Online Administrative Student Information Services (OASIS) platform. OASIS is where new ROSI functionality will be built in the future.

Award Explorer
Enrolment Services has released the following functionality as part of the Award Explorer project:

  • Online Award Record Form (July 14, 2021)
    Enrolment Services has launched a new staff portal that will standardize the entire Award Record Approval process across U of T. New and enhanced workflows will guide users through each step for creating, amending and inactivating awards, replacing the current and difficult-to-navigate PDF and email process. On-screen guidance and form validation will help to reduce errors and additional data collection will help to prepare for functionality that will automatically match students with awards. 
  • Display FIS Fund Balance (July 30, 2021)
    This module provides award administrators with access to view FIS award account balances in near real-time. As well, in the future it will provide tools to create and track award budgets and disbursement activity over the fiscal year. This integration will increase transparency of available award funds and spending with a goal to reduce over and under spending. In addition to improved fiscal reporting, the FIS data will be an essential component for the future auto-matching function.

Course Delivery Modes (July 2021)
The temporary course delivery mode codes introduced for the duration of the pandemic are being supplemented this year to clarify expectations around examinations. There are now two codes each for Synchronous and Asynchronous online delivery with one indicating that an in-person assessment, often the exam, is required. The In Person code stands alone.

Peak Enrolment 2021 (July 30, 2021)
EASI is pleased to announce that this year’s peak enrolment for students in ACORN went smoothly. Similar to previous years, the system successfully handled a large number of logins on the Faculty of Arts & Science’s “priority removal” enrolment day. The first round of enrolment at 9 a.m. had a peak of 1,980 students and the second round at 10 a.m. had close to 2,600. The third round had a peak of over 3,300 students and the fourth had over 3,000. In each round, within a minute or two of logging in approximately 1,500 students had already enrolled in classes. We look forward to next year’s enrolment and will continue to ensure students have an efficient enrolment process.

Student Academic Advising Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (ongoing)
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool will complement the eventual renewal of the student system. In 2020, the NGSIS team selected Salesforce as the vendor of choice to establish a Student Academic Advising CRM Proof of Concept. The team evaluated features within the platform and will continue to validate and finalize functional, administrative, and technical requirements throughout the spring and summer of 2021. The RFP for selecting an implementation vendor has been published and the procurement process is currently underway to select the implementation vendor. The first phase of the program will involve a discovery and planning session intended to finalize scope targeted towards a fall 2022 launch with the Faculty of Arts & Science.

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Student Information Systems

Peak Enrolment Successful – Student Information Systems Available

Date: July 30, 2021
ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
Student Information Systems 
Re: Peak Enrolment Successful – Student Information Systems Available


Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce that today’s peak enrolment day for students in ACORN went smoothly and you can now resume activities on our Student Information Systems.

Similar to previous years, the system successfully handled a large number of logins on Faculty of Arts & Science’s “priority removal” enrolment day. The first round of enrolment at 9 a.m. had a peak of 1,980 students and the second round at 10 a.m. had close to 2,600. The third round had a peak of over 3,300 students and the fourth had over 3,000. In each round, within a minute or two of logging in approximately 1,500 students had already enrolled in classes.

We look forward to next year’s enrolment and will continue to ensure students have an efficient enrolment process.

Thanks everyone for your patience and support and have a great long weekend!

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Student Information Systems

Reminder: Please Limit Usage in ROSI and Related Systems on Friday, July 30

Date: July 29, 2021
ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
Student Information Systems 
Re: Reminder: Please Limit Usage in ROSI and Related Systems on Friday, July 30


To all ROSI / ROSI Express / Degree Explorer / Rocket Shuttle Users:

This is a reminder that Friday, July 30 will be a very heavy enrolment day for students in ACORN, and we expect higher than normal system resource usage for most of the morning.

Please avoid running any ROSI or ROSI-related processes that might place any additional burden on the system between 8 am and 1 pm on Friday, July 30.

Processes to avoid include:

  • ROSI downloads
  • ROSI batch jobs
  • ROSI admissions correspondence batch printing
  • ROSI Express reports
  • Rocket Shuttle queries
  • Degree Explorer reports and program assessments
  • Student Records Web Services (SRWS) API

After 1 pm on Friday you may resume these activities as needed.

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Student Information Systems

ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, August 20

Date: July 28, 2021
To: ROSI Users
From: Student Information Systems 
Re: ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, August 20


Dear ROSI users

We will need to take ROSI and all associated student information systems offline 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., on Friday, August 20 to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.  The following systems will be affected:

  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • ACORN Grant Application
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • Course Information System
  • Timetable Builder
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • eMarks
  • Exam photo invigilation
  • Elections
  • Web services/APIs

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad so that students are aware of the outage. We will send a reminder notice to you closer to the date.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

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Student Information Systems

Join Connect+Learn for our Back to Campus training series

Date: July 27, 2021
To: InfoTech, AMS and ROSI Listservs
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Join Connect+Learn for our Back to Campus training series


Dear Colleagues,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is excited to announce a new Back to Campus training series in support of the University community’s return to campus. Throughout the month of August, EASI’s Connect+Learn team will host training sessions on popular tools and technologies that can help you and your division get ready for re-entry to a hybrid workplace.

Tools discussed will include Microsoft Planner, Teams, QLess, SharePoint, OneDrive, the TCard+ attendance solution and more. Each session will feature a brief presentation on how the tool can facilitate hybrid team collaboration and/or room capacity and attendance tracking followed by a question and answer sessionRegistration is not required. 

Please visit the Connect+Learn website for additional details and a full list of August’s sessions.  

You can also reference EASI’s new Return to Campus ITS Toolkit for a convenient overview of many of the tools we will discuss throughout the month. 

Kind regards, 

EASI Connect+Learn 


Back to Campus Month: Week 1 

Tuesday, August 3 at 2 p.m. 

Back to Campus: Tools for Re-Entry 


Wednesday, August 4 at 10 a.m. 

Microsoft Bookings: Office Hours and Appointments 


Thursday, August 5 at 11 a.m. 

Stay on Track with Planner, Tasks and To Do 


Thursday, August 5 at 2 p.m. 

Online Storage with SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams: What to Use When 


Please Limit Usage in ROSI and Related Systems on Friday, July 30

Date: July 26, 2021
ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
Student Information Systems 
Re: Please Limit Usage in ROSI and Related Systems on Friday, July 30


To all ROSI / ROSI Express / Degree Explorer / Rocket Shuttle Users:

Friday, July 30 will be a very heavy enrolment day for students in ACORN, and we expect higher than normal system resource usage for most of the morning.

Please avoid running any ROSI or ROSI-related processes that might place any additional burden on the system between 8 am and 1 pm on Friday, July 30.

Processes to avoid include:

  • ROSI downloads
  • ROSI batch jobs
  • ROSI admissions correspondence batch printing
  • ROSI Express reports
  • Rocket Shuttle queries
  • Degree Explorer reports and program assessments
  • Student Records Web Services (SRWS) API

After 1 pm on Friday you may resume these activities as needed.

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Student Information Systems

Connect+Learn: Creating a Wiki in SharePoint

Creating a knowledge base is an efficient way to collect, update and share organizational information. The best way to present your knowledge base on SharePoint is as a Wiki using modern site pages and metadata. Join this interactive session on building up your own organizational Wiki in SharePoint.

Session includes:

  • What is a wiki?
  • Demonstration of building a Wiki in SharePoint, including:
    • Creating page templates
    • Using custom columns to ‘tag’ pages
  • Wiki examples
  • Q&A about Wikis


ROSI outage Thursday, July 22, 2021 5 – 6 p.m.

Date: July 22, 2021
To: ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From: Student Information Systems
Re: ROSI outage Thursday, July 22, 2021 5 – 6 p.m.


Dear ROSI users

We will need to take ROSI and all associated student information systems offline this evening from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., to perform emergency maintenance on the servers. We appreciate that this is an inconvenience because of the lack of notice and that students are enrolling for courses but the work is critical and must be done. As we are in the midst of enrolment for the Fall session we will adhere strictly to the one hour window.  The following systems will be affected:

  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • ACORN Grant Application
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • Course Information System
  • Timetable Builder
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • eMarks
  • Exam photo invigilation
  • Elections
  • Web services/APIs

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad and on social media so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience.

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Student Information Systems

Connect+Learn: Kronos Open House

The EASI Kronos team is hosting an open house to provide prospective departments with information about Kronos, the University of Toronto’s web-based time management system. This open house is an opportunity to gain first-hand information about implementing Kronos in your department.

The event will include a demo and overview of the Kronos system and testimonials from departments currently using it. It will also provide attendees with an opportunity to ask questions about the Kronos system and implementation process.


10 tech tips to prepare for return to campus

The 2021 return to campus brings excitement, challenges and new technical solutions. Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) has created aReturn to Campus ITS Toolkitwhich assembles information on key products and technologies that can help make your return to campus seamless.  

Use this toolkit to find information on products that can help your hybrid team stay connected when working on-campus and remotely. You’ll also find information on products and technologies that can help you and your division track room capacity and attendance. 

Starting on August 3, 2021, you can also attend many Connect+Learn sessions to learn more about these tools. These interactive sessions will be repeated over four weeks and recordings will be saved on the EASI websiteSince launching in March 2020, this series has welcomed over 5,000 employees to learn about Microsoft 365 products, SharePoint Online and so much more.  

Check out the information below and we look forward to seeing you at our Connect+Learn sessions! You can also see Information Technology Service’s FAQs, best practices, links and resources for preparing for the return to in-person learning, working and other activities in fall 2021.  

Connect Your Hybrid Team 


Find the perfect meeting time for everyone.
FindTime is an Outlook add-in from Microsoft that you can use to choose meeting times that work for everyone. FindTime is a bit like Doodle, but it has the advantage of being connected to Outlook. This means that FindTime can use the free/busy information from University community members’ calendars to suggest the most optimal meeting times. You can allow meeting invitees to vote on times, and FindTime can automatically schedule your meeting based on this information. ​ 

Use FindTime with hybrid groups of stakeholders to find the most ideal meeting time. 

Microsoft 365 Cloud Storage 

Access, share and edit work files from anywhere.
Seamlessly access your work files from anywhere with Microsoft 365, whether you’re at home or on campus​. Ensure that everyone is working on the latest version of your files no matter where they are working from​, and eliminate/reduce dependency on shared drives. 

Choose from OneDrive, Teams or SharePoint, depending on your needs. 

Microsoft Planner, To Do and Tasks 

Track project progress and task completion with your team. 
Microsoft Planner, To Do and Tasks are three integrated tools that can help your hybrid team stay organized, on track and connected. Use these tools to visually organize, prioritize and track different types of teamwork, including projects, initiatives and simple tasks. You and your team can view your plan in the ways that work best for you: as a board, a chart or as a calendar-based schedule. Access your tasks on the web via Planner and To Do, or through your team on Microsoft Teams via Tasks. 



Schedule convenient appointments with the click of a button.
Calendly is a powerful meeting scheduling tool that makes booking meetings and appointments easy. To schedule meetings with Calendly, all you need to do is set your meeting rules and create a link. You can share this link with an individual or a group: it will enable people to book time with you, and any time booked is automatically updated in your calendar. Because Calendly has access to your Outlook calendar, it will only book meetings that work with your schedule. Calendly also offers automated meeting reminders and follow-ups. ​ 

Use Calendly to manage appointment-based slots for groups of staff, students and faculty. ​Use Calendly meeting templates to bulk manage ongoing meetings with your team. 

Manage Space on Campus 

Microsoft Bookings 

Create capacity-based appointments and room reservations.
Managing campus room reservations? Use Bookings to create capacity-based reservations for on-campus space including resources, meeting rooms, labs and desks. ​ 

Juggling on-campus and virtual appointments? Use Bookings to create both in-person and virtual meeting reservations for University services such as career counselling, office hours and writing centre appointments.​ 

You can also integrate Bookings with Outlook Shared Resources. 

Microsoft Shifts 

Manage schedules for teams and on-campus spaces.
Shifts is an in-Teams tool that enables you to manage shift and/or room reservation schedules for your team. With Shifts, team members can self-manage their schedules. Shifts also has a location-based check-in option. ​ 

Use Shifts to manage schedules for on-campus spaces, and to keep track of who accesses your spaces when. 

Outlook Shared Resources 

Reserve rooms and resources from your Outlook calendar. 
EASI can help you to create bookable resources in Outlook such as rooms, desks and equipment. Members of your division can schedule time with these resources straight from their Outlook calendars.​ Use Outlook Shared Resources to manage on-campus spaces with limited capacities. 


Managed access to campus spaces based on authorization and capacity.
When entering a room or space, members of the University community can swipe their TCard on the TCard+ Device. This device can grant or deny access based on a list of authorized users and/or pre-programmed room or space capacity limits. You can also conveniently receive email reports with details on accepted and denied swipes. 

QR Code Location 

Enable contact tracing for on-campus spaces.
This on-campus solution allows individuals to check in or out of a particular location using QR codes. Locations are added by request only.​ Note: This application provides the ability for Environmental Health & Safety at U of T to conduct rapid notification in cases of positive outcomes of COVID-19. Access for visitors/guests will be coming soon. 



Eliminate lineups and manage social distancing and capacity.
Want to eliminate lineups for students and clients waiting for in-person services? Use virtual queue management to manage social distancing and capacity limits. This Software as a Service (SaaS) solution moves clients from traditional in-person lineups to a virtual queue-based system. Clients begin by joining a virtual queue via a website or a text message. Once in the queue, they can move freely and wait anywhere they like until they are notified that they should proceed to an available service agent. 

Visit the Return to Campus ITS Toolkit for more information.  

Sign up for the Connect+Learn newsletter to learn about upcoming sessions.