AMS System Outage – June 15

Date: May 30, 2024
To:  AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: AMS System Outage – June 15


Dear AMS Users,

Please note that the systems below will be unavailable on Saturday, June 15 from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm due to system maintenance:

  • Academic Administrative Appointments (AAA)
  • Capital Project Portal
  • Employee Self-Service (ESS)/Manager Self-Service (MSS)
  • EvoSuite Applications (EvoOrder, EvoPlan, EvoNotify)
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • Fiori Launchpad Reporting
  • Invoice Workflow
  • My Customer Account
  • My Research (MR/Portal)
  • SAP Asset Manager Mobile (sync will not work)

See our System Availability page for a list of ongoing information on system status.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

U of T 30-day Microsoft Teams Chat Retention Policy coming September 16

Date: May 29, 2024
To: InfoTech listserv, AMS listserv, EITU, MTAC
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  U of T 30-day Microsoft Teams Chat Retention Policy coming September 16 

Dear colleagues,

As an important element in records management and data security, the University of Toronto will be implementing a 30-day retention policy for all individual Teams chat messages that occur outside of a designated Microsoft Teams Channel. This policy will take effect September 16, 2024. The policy is designed to enhance data security and promote efficient communication practices within the university.

What messages are impacted? 
Individual Teams chat messages are ephemeral, one-on-one communications, similar to a phone call or in-person conversation with a colleague, that are intended to disappear after the communication. Messages within group chats (including meetings) are also considered one-on-one communications and will follow the 30-day retention policy.

What messages are not impacted? 
Chat messages within a designated Teams channel that are directly related to a project, group or committee are intended to serve as a record for the entire team and will not be impacted by this policy.

Next steps 
We are giving all faculty, staff, librarians and students advance notice along with the opportunity to review their chat history in case they have any important links or files that need to be retrieved and kept. Moving forward, if users feel there are chats that are pertinent to projects or other teams, it is recommended to initiate these conversations and share these links within a specific Microsoft Teams channel. Staff, faculty and librarians may also want to consider reverting to email for pertinent conversations and information rather than Microsoft Teams chat.


  • To learn more about this university-wide effort to enhance data security and data management, please visit our Teams chat retention web page.
  • Please refer to the knowledge base article to learn more about the Teams Chat Retention Policy implementation.
  • Information sessions: We invite you to join our Connect+Learn sessions where we will provide an overview of the 30-day Teams Chat Retention Policy and an opportunity to ask questions.
    • Teams Chat Retention Information Session 01 – June 12, 11 a.m. Add to Calendar
    • Teams Chat Retention Information Session 02 – June 19, 11 a.m. Add to Calendar
  • If you have questions regarding this policy, please feel free to contact the support team.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance security, promote efficient communication practices and adhere to industry standards.

Kind regards,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)
Information Technology Services, University of Toronto
215 Huron Street, Toronto
Ontario M5S 1A2


Channel owners and administrators can now archive channels

As per Microsoft latest update, Microsoft Teams channel owners and administrators can now archive channels to avoid any activity on them and can restore if needed. Channel members will not be able to take actions on the channel like messaging, reacting, commenting, editing etc., but they can still access and read through the channel content.

Channel owners and administrators now have the ability to archive channels. This new functionality is designed to preserve the integrity of the channel’s content while halting all active participation and interactions.

Once a channel is archived:

    • All activities within the channel will be suspended. This means members will not be able to send messages, react to posts, comment, or make any edits.
    • Despite the suspension of activities, all channel content will remain accessible. Members can still view past discussions, files, and other shared materials for reference or record-keeping purposes.

Should the need arise, archived channels can be restored to full activity by an owner or administrator, allowing members to resume interactions as before.

This feature is particularly useful for:

    • Preserving historical data of projects or events that have concluded.
    • Reducing clutter in the channel list without losing valuable information.
    • Maintaining compliance with record-keeping policies.

Navigating Student Invoices & Financial Arrangements

Date: May 10, 2024
To: SIS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Navigating Student Invoices & Financial Arrangements Session

Dear SIS users,

Please join us for an exclusive Connect+Learn session featuring insights from Student Accounts within the University Registrar’s Office, and Student Receivables & Accounting Office within Financial Services. The session will delve into essential topics such as guidance on interpreting official U of T Student Financial Invoices and explore the diverse options for establishing and maintaining Financial Arrangements (e.g., fee deferrals).

The session will take place on Thursday, May 30 at 11 a.m.

Topics will include:

  • Exploring invoice views in ROSI; highlighting key features and crucial line items.
  • Guidance on where and how students can access instructions for making payments or self-initiating a fee deferral.
  • How staff can effectively maintain Financial Arrangements in ROSI (e.g., major award).

Registration is not required for this event. You can access the meeting via this 
Teams Meeting Link.

Student Information Systems

Important SAP GUI Upgrade Instructions

Date: May 8, 2024
To: SAP GUI Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Important SAP GUI Upgrade Instructions


Dear SAP GUI users:

As you may be aware, U of T will be transitioning to the new version of SAP GUI as the current version is no longer supported. We have notified divisional IT administrators about this change, and they will help to facilitate with the upgrade from SAP GUI 7.6 (Patch 6) to version 8.00 (Patch 4). The new version includes performance improvements, and enhanced stability and security.

This upgrade represents minimal change to business processes – once upgraded, you will see a simplified list of connection entries on the Logon Pad, and you will be able to connect to the AMS environment. There will be no changes to the theme.

Logon Pad:

Current View New View
SAP GUI Logon Pad with many connection entries SAP GUI Logon Pad after the upgrade showing fewer connection entries

If you have questions about timing for the upgrade, please contact your divisional IT administrator.

If you do not have a managed desktop or a local IT administrator, you can submit a ticket to the Enterprise Service Centre.


Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration

Monthly SIS Training Resources & Support Session

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for an informative Connect+Learn session on SIS Training Resources & Support, tailored primarily for new ROSI users. The Student Information Systems (SIS) group manages enterprise student and curriculum applications, and processes for the University.

SIS provides reporting tools, enhancement and production request forms, and support for the SIS applications. In the session, we will discuss:

  • Student Information Systems – What we do and how to get help
  • ROSI and OASIS Training Materials & Resources
  • What we support and what we do not (and where to go for those)
  • When to use ESC and how to write a ticket and use ESC appropriately



Recording [Stream]
Slides [SharePoint]

Generating ROSI and ROSI Express Reports

Join Connect+Learn for a session on Generating ROSI and ROSI Express Reports. This session will explore several methods that staff in academic units and Registrars’ Offices can use to generate class lists, reports, and downloads of ROSI information. The initial focus of this session will be on the new class list report which is generated from ROSI Express using Power BI. Attendees will be shown a basic feature set and how to navigate the refreshed interface. Current ROSI screens used for report generation and how to pick up the file output from ROSI Files will also be explained. Similarly, the downloads portion of this session will explain how to access file output and formatting files, including headers, for practical use.

Topics to be addressed:

  • New Class List reports in ROSI Express (Power BI)
  • Sending ROSI reports to ROSI Files (pdf and Excel formats)
  • Download basics (time permitting)


    Recording [Stream]
    Slides [SharePoint]

Redacting Personal Information in the Enterprise Service Centre

Date:  April 26, 2024
To: Student Information Systems Application Users
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Redacting Personal Information in the Enterprise Service Centre


Dear SIS Application users,

When submitting a ticket for assistance to the Enterprise Service Centre (ESC) for SIS applications such as ROSI, Degree Explorer and eMarks, please ensure you have redacted all personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses) in ESC textboxes, subject fields, screenshots, and attachments. Only a Person ID is required to assist with an issue.

For example, if you submit a screenshot of a technical issue you are experiencing in ROSI to the ESC, please redact the student’s name from that screenshot. There are helpful screen blur and masking applications we recommend that you utilize to hide personal data before making an ESC ticket submission.

Users of Batch Applicant Uploads: Similarly, please do not submit upload file attachments containing personally identifiable information in the ESC. Please review our updated file submission guidelines outlined on the SIS SharePoint site which describes a secure method of batch upload file submission outside of the ESC.

Thank you for your cooperation.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre

Student Information Systems

Brief outage for ROSI, ACORN, and other student information systems, Thursday May 2

Date:  April 24, 2024
To:  ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Brief outage for ROSI, ACORN, and other student information systems, Thursday May 2


Dear ROSI users,

Please note, we need to perform brief but important maintenance to the ROSI database. To avoid conflicts with exams and the first week of classes, we have scheduled this for 10:00 to 10:15 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, May 2. The list of affected systems is below. We will post a notification for students on the ACORN landing page and social media.

We do appreciate that some instructors may need to submit grades that day. We are unable to contact all instructors and would ask departmental or divisional staff to pass on the information. To avoid having instructors being partially through work when the eMarks is taken offline at 10:00 a.m., we will be blocking fresh log ins to the system at 9:30. Instructors who have signed on before 9:30 will be able to continue their work until 10:00. No one will be able to log in to the system after 9:30 until after the maintenance is complete at 10:15.

The same arrangement will apply to the administrative interface for Degree Explorer.

Timetable Builder will remain available. Reporting staff will still be able to access the ROSI Replica database.

The following systems will be affected:

  • Accommodated Testing Services (Student and Admin)
  • Course Information System
  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • EASI Institutional File Transfer
  • eMarks
  • Online Administrative Student Information System (OASIS) – including Absence Declaration, and the Timetable Builder and Transfer Equivalencies database administrative screens
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • ROSI Files
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Web services/APIs

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre

Student Information Systems