Coming Early 2024: New Power BI Class List Report Available in ROSI Express

Date:   December 6, 2023
To:   ROSI Users; ROSI Express Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Coming Early 2024: New Power BI Class List Report Available in ROSI Express


Dear ROSI and ROSI Express Users,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is currently testing and finalizing the rollout of the new Class List report. As some of you may be aware, we are consolidating multiple variations of Class List reports currently available in ROSI Express. This convenient and customizable report will also include subject POSt enrolment information.

In early 2024, you will see the new Class list report in ROSI Express along with the current reports. Once we collect feedback, we will notify users of when we plan to retire the older Class List reports.

Users will notice that while the interface for the new reports should be intuitive, it is different as we are leveraging Power BI for new reports in most Student Information Systems applications.

Please stay tuned for more information in early January 2024, including a notification of when the report has been made available, and details for an upcoming Connect+Learn session on this and other reports.

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Student Information Systems

Reminder: Jira Offboarding December 13 – Jira End of Life

Date: December 5, 2023
Jira Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Reminder: Jira Offboarding December 13 – Jira End of Life


Dear Jira Users,

This is a reminder that Atlassian has announced that support for Jira Software Server will end on February 15, 2024. As a result, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) will be moving to the Azure DevOps platform as part of the Jira Migration Project.

Divisions that are currently using Jira Server, and are not interacting with EASI projects, are encouraged to transition to Azure DevOps due to its increased security, alignment with U of T’s technical roadmap and future evolution with Microsoft. If your division is transitioning to Jira Cloud, Jira Software Cloud Standard is recommended as the minimum due to security requirements.

In preparation for the February 2024 deadline, it will be necessary to offboard your division from Jira Server by December 13, 2023.  

If your division would like to onboard to Azure DevOps, please fill out this form. Once onboarded, divisions will be charged back on a quarterly basis.

EASI will continue to work to onboard partner divisions, as listed on the project webpage, to Azure DevOps.

Want to learn more? Watch a past Connect+Learn session or contact Laurel Williams, Project Lead, at


Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

Schedule for the production of the 2023 Tax Forms  

Date:  December 4, 2023
To:   ROSI Users
From:  Student Information Systems
Re: Schedule for the production of the 2023 Tax Forms


Dear ROSI users,

*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Receivable and Accounting Office ***

Following is the schedule for the production of the 2023 Tax Forms.


  • Monday, January 8, 2024 – (night) details updated on ROSI.
  • Tuesday, January 9 – Friday, February 2, 2024-Divisional updates for T4A details on ROSI.
  • Tuesday, February 6, 2024 – file sent to Moore Wallace for printing and mailing of the T4A’s.


  • Tuesday, January 30, 2024 (night) -details updated on ROSI.
  • Wednesday, January 31st – Tuesday, February 13, 2024, Divisional updates of T2202 details on ROSI .

Feb 21, 2024, T2202 & T4A available on ACORN for students and ROSI/ROSI Express for staff.

For questions regarding the Education Credit details or overall schedule, contact Enterprise Service Centre (ESC):

For questions regarding T4A details or Tuition Credit details, contact Student Receivable and Accounting Office:

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

December 2 Payroll Posting Enhancement Memo

Date: November 30, 2023
To: AMS Listserv
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: December 2 Payroll Posting Enhancement


Further to the November 21, 2023, memo regarding the planned system outage, part of the system and application maintenance will include a technical back-end update to the payroll posting program. This enhancement is primarily a technical change and should have minimal impact on business processes.

The payroll program update will be implemented on December 2.

In preparation for this implementation, highlighted below are a few minor changes that users may notice moving forward:

  1. Payroll reserves for Teaching Assistants (TAs) will now include a more accurate calculation for stat holiday pay.
  2. The benefit levy for Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) will now be posted as a 61-series payroll document and included in the Payroll Distribution report.
  3. Payroll master data entries that have both a Cost Center AND Internal Order entered will only be posted to the Internal Order (Cost Center will be ignored). ** Departments are encouraged to update any payroll entries at their earliest convenience
  4. For Ancillary Operations only – monthly payroll postings will now be more accurately allocated to the appropriate Business Area (BA). Payroll related postings that previously included ‘blank’ business area, will now include the relevant business area.

View additional information and details about these changes.

If you have any questions related to the above changes, please submit a support ticket to the Enterprise Service Centre.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

December 2 Payroll Posting Enhancement Details

In preparation for the December 2, 2023 technical back-end update to the payroll posting program, highlighted below are a few minor changes that users may notice moving forward:

  1. Payroll reserves related to Teaching Assistants (TAs) stat holiday pay will now include a more accurate calculation by using the correct end date. An example of the updated reserve calculation and end date are shown below on the Payroll Distribution Report. 

    This is an example of one TA employee in Funds Center 100205. Employee's last payment is in November. Current funds reserves for this employee in October is the last recurring payment plus 5 more stat holiday payment. In the new world, the reserves for this employee will only be one payment plus one stat holiday pay.


  2. The monthly benefits payment in the Payroll Distribution Report (see below) will now include the levy for that individual.
    This example shows the postdoc benefit levy is not on the current payroll distribution report but it will be included in the future payroll distribution report.


    The benefit levy for Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) will now be posted as a 61-series payroll document, previously a 10-series journal entry, and will post to GL account 800999.

    PLEASE NOTE: Any retroactive PDF levy payments will continue to be posted by journal entry using GL account 800960.


    This screenshot explains the retro postdoc benefit levy is still posted to GL with SA type of document while the current postdoc benefit levy is posted with YP type document.

    This screenshot explains the retro postdoc benefit levy is still posted to GL with SA type of document while the current postdoc benefit levy is posted with YP type document.


  3. Payroll entries that have been posted with both a Cost Centre and Internal Order will only be posted to the Internal Order.  Users will no longer see the cost centre when they view the Payroll Distribution Report or the Line Item Reports.  Departments are encouraged to update any payroll entries at their earliest convenience to just include a cost center OR internal order (not both).
    This screenshot shows an example of one employee who has both cost center and order in the cost element when payroll is posted to FI in current situation. Cost center will be blank in the future for this employee.


  4. For Ancillary Operations only – Payroll related postings that previously included ‘blank’ business area will now include the relevant business area. For example, postings to GL account 530100 – UofT Gross pay: memo entry, that previously had no business area included, will now include the relevant business area.  As a result, GL account totals summarized at the business area level will now net to zero.

If you have any questions related to the above changes, please submit a support ticket to the Enterprise Service Centre. 

Connect+Learn: Maximizing Productivity with Microsoft Planner and Efficient Task Management with Microsoft To-Do

Maximizing Productivity with Microsoft Planner Efficiency and Collaboration through Effective Task Management 

    • Organize tasks for your team  
    • Track your Project Progress  
    • Using planner as Kanban Board  


Efficient Task Management with Microsoft To-Do: Organize, Prioritize, and Accomplish Your Goals 

    • Creating Tasks & Sub Tasks  
    • Assigning Tasks to others  
    • My day View 



AMS Holiday System Availability 2023

Date: November 28, 2023
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: AMS Holiday System Availability 2023


Hi everyone,

As we quickly approach this holiday season, we would like to notify you about upcoming system closures.

Here is a full list of the closures between December 20, 2023 and January 3, 2024, and the regular system availability during December 2023:

Please note that if a system/interface is not available, reasonable but limited attempts will be made to fix the problem. There will be no HR or Financial Services staff available to help resolve problems for administrators.

We hope you enjoy the time off to spend the holidays with your friends and family.

Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration

Student System Application Support During 2023 Holiday Closure

Date:  November 28, 2023
To:  ROSI Users
From: Student Information Systems
Re:  Student System Application Support During 2023 Holiday Closure


Hi everyone,

We will be maintaining the same levels of application support for Student Systems over the December break as we have in other years. ACORN and other student information services will be available over the holidays and will be checked periodically to ensure they are running. We will respond to Enterprise Service Centre tickets when we return at the beginning of January.

Please note that online payments will be recorded as “pending” in students’ ACORN accounts from December 20, 2023 to 3-5 business days after January 3, 2024. Bank payments will be updated on January 3, 2024.

See a detailed description of support.


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Student Information Systems

Coming Soon: New Power BI Class List Report Available in ROSI Express

Date: November 27, 2023   
ROSI Users; ROSI Express Users
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Coming Soon: New Power BI Class List Report Available in ROSI Express


Dear ROSI and ROSI Express Users,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is pleased to announce that the multiple variations of Class List reports currently available in ROSI Express are being consolidated into one convenient and customizable report. This new report will also include subject POSt enrolment information.

On December 6, you will see the new Class list report in ROSI Express along with the current reports. Once we collect feedback on the new report, we will notify users of when we plan to retire the older Class List reports.

Users will notice that while the interface for the new reports should be intuitive, it is different as we are leveraging PowerBI for new reports in most Student Information Systems applications.

Please stay tuned for more information, including a notification of when the new report has been made available, and details for an upcoming Connect+Learn session in 2024 on this and other reports.

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Student Information Systems