Connect+Learn: Tools for Re-Entry – August 17

Getting ready to return to campus and want to understand the tools that are available to you? This session will provide an overview of Information Technology Services’ Return to Campus Toolkit. Join Connect+Learn to learn more about the range of tools that can assist you and your division in your return to campus.

Topics covered will include:

  • Tools available to the University community that can facilitate workspace management.
  • Tools available to the University community that can facilitate working on hybrid teams.
  • Tips and tricks.
  • And more…


OneDrive sync client will no longer update or be supported on macOS Sierra 10.12 and macOS High Sierra 10.13

The Microsoft OneDrive team is committed to bringing you the best, most secure experience possible across your devices. As such, Microsoft is ending support for the OneDrive Desktop application (sync client) on macOS Sierra 10.12 and macOS High Sierra 10.13 and focusing their resources on new technologies and supported operating systems. Going forward, only the three most recent versions of macOS will be supported. When a new major version of macOS is released, Microsoft will support the new version and the previous two versions.

Note: Both macOS Sierra 10.12 and macOS High Sierra 10.13 have been out of Apple’s mainline support since September 2019 and November 2020, respectively.

Key points:

  • Timing: September 10th, 2021

How users will be impacted after this change has rolled out:

  • Existing OneDrive sync client installations on unsupported operating systems will stop updating. These clients will continue to run, but their functionality will no longer be tested. It is not advised to continue to run on these unsupported operating systems.
  • New installations on unsupported operating systems will be blocked.
  • Bugs and issues found on or specific to unsupported operating systems will no longer be investigated or fixed.

What you need to do to prepare:

To ensure a smooth transition, Microsoft recommends that you upgrade machines accordingly. They recommend you upgrade to macOS Mojave 10.14 or above. For the best user experience and longest support lifecycle, Microsoft recommends upgrading to macOS Big Sur 11.0 or above.

AMS Outage – My Research Applications & Agreements Upgrade

Date: August 17, 2021 
AMS Users
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: AMS Outage – My Research Applications & Agreements Upgrade


Dear AMS users,

Please be advised that all Administrative Management Systems (AMS) – including AMS GUI, Employee Self-Service/Manager Self-Service, Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit, Capital Projects and Invoice Workflow – will not be available for users from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 28, 2021.

Additionally, My Research will be offline from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the same date. My Research users will not be able to create new MRAs between from Saturday, August 28 at 5 a.m. to Monday, August 30 at 7 a.m.

This outage will allow for the upgrade to My Research Applications & Agreements (MRA). The MRA Renewal Initiative will see the redevelopment of the MRA system in the latest SAP technology (SAPUI5). These changes will better support the U of T’s research and innovation community by bringing a more modern look and user-friendly experience to the process of submitting research funding applications.

See our System Availability page for more details.

For more information on the MRA Renewal Initiative, including the upcoming launch date, please visit the MRA Renewal Initiative webpage.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

Back to Campus sessions on Calendly, QLess, TCard+ attendance and more

Date: August 17, 2021
To: InfoTech, AMS and ROSI listservs
From: EASI Connect+Learn
Re: Back to Campus sessions on Calendly, QLess, TCard+ attendance and more


Good afternoon,

Connect+Learn is heading into the third week of our Back to Campus training series. Over the past two weeks, Connect+Learn was thrilled to offer 11 sessions to over 650 attendees from across the University on popular tools and technologies such as FindTime, Planner, QLess and Teams.

As the Back to Campus series moves into its third week, Connect+Learn will feature training sessions on several new and/or in-demand tools, including: QLessCalendlyPlannerTCard+ for space tracking and Microsoft 365 storage. Please find a list of this week’s sessions below. Registration is not required.

Visit the Connect+Learn website for additional details and a full list of August’s sessions. You can also reference the Return to Campus ITS Toolkit for a convenient overview of many of the tools we will discuss throughout the month.

Kind regards,
EASI Connect+Learn

Back to Campus Month: Week 3

Tuesday, August 17 at 11 a.m.
Back to Campus: Tools for Re-Entry
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Tuesday, August 17 at 2 p.m.
Introducing QLess
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Wednesday, August 18 at 10 a.m.
NEW SESSION: Introducing Calendly
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Thursday, August 19 at 11 a.m.
TCard+ for Campus Space
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Thursday, August 19 at 2 p.m.
Stay on Track with Planner, Tasks and To Do
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Friday, August 20 at 11 a.m.
Online Storage with SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams: What to Use When
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See full list of sessions

Enterprise Modernization Program progress, performance improvements

Abstract waves on blue background

It’s been two years since the launch of a program set to upgrade U of T’s Administrative Management Systems and transform the future for more than 33,000 staff and faculty. So how much progress has the U of T’s Enterprise Modernization Program made since its debut and what’s in store for the future?

Using the latest SAP technology to upgrade all systems, the goal of the program is to provide a consistent, intuitive and streamlined user experience. The project is currently transforming the entire HR Talent Management Suite and the core HR, Research and Finance systems.

“The pandemic has exposed many financial and human resources processes that can be reimagined such as employee on-boarding, electronic funds transfer for payments, and use of electronic signatures for critical business processes” says Cathy Eberts, Director, Enterprise Applications and Deputy CIO.

To date, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) has completed a massive infrastructure update, which has set the stage for all other future updates. In November 2020, EASI also upgraded U of T’s Financial Information System to a highly responsive transactional and reporting system. This upgrade improved speed and reporting for all Administrative Systems, including the Human Resources Information System and Research Information System.

EASI also launched SuccessFactors Learning Management System, Performance and Goals, and Recruitment as part of the Human Resources Information System.

Let’s see what projects have launched recently and what’s next for the program.

Fiori Launchpad Reporting
In March 2021, the EASI team leveraged the power of SAP’s latest and greatest web-based user experience offering using the Fiori Launchpad. Fiori Launchpad Reporting was the first of many applications to be launched on the new platform. Fiori Launchpad Reporting is a reporting solution within AMS that is available 24/7 during scheduled AMS lockouts. It provides reporting functionality on live AMS data during scheduled AMS downtimes, including holiday shut down, fiscal year end, fiscal month end and pay runs. This application provides an improved user interface as well as enhanced analytics and better insights into reporting. Since its implementation, the 24 Fiori Launchpad reports have been used more than 5,000 times by over 400 users.

Updated Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD) Web Application
More recently, EASI launched an updated version of ERDD in June 2021 using SAP’s new interface design principles. The new ERDD-web application provides an updated user interface with improved usability and accessibility. The modernized and simplified user interface displays all claims on the homepage for easy tracking, and provides better search functionality, with the option to search by audit number, FI document number, claim name, personnel number, claimant name and status. The application also offers an improved layout of expense categories, helping users to select only those expenses that are important to their claims.

What’s next for the Modernization Program?

Employee Central – Human Resources Information System
Employee Central, a new platform hosted in SuccessFactors, will provide users with all Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service Human Resources functions – from hire to retire. It will help to consolidate complex processes and will allow users to see the workflow and next steps. For example, a manager will be able to initiate the recruitment process through Employee Central, track where the position is in the recruitment process and easily provide approvals. It will also automate many of the previous manual processes and will be accessible on mobile devices, increasing accessibility of the applications.

My Research Applications & Agreements (MRA) System
EASI and the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation are also hard at work updating the My Research Applications & Agreements (MRA) system. This system is being rebuilt to better serve the U of T research and innovation community. MRA is the University of Toronto’s online system for researchers to secure the institutional endorsement and approval of their research grants, applications, and non-funded agreements. These changes will better support the U of T research and innovation community through a modernized and user-friendly experience to submitting research funding applications. The renewed MRA is scheduled to launch in late summer 2021.

These projects require a university-wide effort and close collaborations with departments, including Financial Services, Human Resources & Equity, Procurement Services, Facilities & Services, and the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation. They also require consultation from divisions, local IT administrators, Information Security, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions.

Thank you to the U of T community for the success of this program to date, and please stay tuned for more updates!

Preparation for peak enrolment 2021 pays off

Screenshot of the team working remotely on Microsoft Teams

Website and security updates, extensive testing and monitoring – these are just some of the ingredients that led to yet another successful year for U of T’s student enrolment. This massive undertaking involved 15 major enrolment days and culminated in peak enrolment day on July 30.

Similar to previous years, the system handled a large number of logins in ACORN for all enrolment days and the Faculty of Arts & Science “priority removal” enrolment period.

“Leading up to the month-long enrolment period, we test all of our systems and ensure they are able to handle the load. We also work with other groups, including Information Security, the Registrar’s offices, our communications team,” says Laurel Williams, an Information Technology Analyst with Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI). “We monitor all of the large enrolment days for U of T’s three campuses to make sure we’re on track and we make improvements on the fly to ensure that everything goes smoothly on peak enrolment day.”

The first round of enrolment at 9 a.m. had a peak of 1,980 students and the second round at 10 a.m. had close to 2,600. The third round had a peak of over 3,300 students and the fourth had over 3,000.

An upgrade to the Student Information Systems completed three years ago, and subsequent improvements, have led to a faster, more reliable system. During the first two minutes of the first enrolment, over 1,500 students had already added over 3,300 courses.

“Since we’ve upgraded to the distributed architecture, we have more computing power at our disposal. On the flip side, there are more systems to monitor,” says Haroon Rafique, DevOps Manager with EASI. “As a result of fine tuning the various components of the architecture, when thousands of students are logging in, the system can easily handle the load and students can enrol in record time.”

On July 30, 20 per cent of all course enrolment transactions that occurred on that day, including course adds, drops and waitlists, were completed within the first minute of each enrolment window; on the same priority removal day back in August 2018, only 1 per cent of enrolments occurred in that first minute. In terms of the number of students, about 40 per cent were able to log in and enroll in the courses they wanted during the first minute in 2021 compared to 3 per cent in 2018.

This year, a significant system improvement included moving the ACORN launchpad, the website leading to the ACORN application, from an on-premises solution to the Azure Cloud.

“During the first few enrolment days this year we closely monitored the launchpad to see how it would deal with multiple simultaneous users. By observing how the launchpad performed during the days leading up to peak enrolment, we could sort out any issues and maximize efficiencies, in advance,” says Rafique.

With this upgrade, the launchpad now has autoscaling capabilities that decrease the hosting costs for U of T. The site can scale up for specific days, allowing for more flexibility compared to a static hosting solution for the site. For many of the larger enrolment days, the launchpad plays a crucial role as it acts as a holding area for students before logging into ACORN.

Beyond testing the ACORN launchpad, the team also tested the ACORN application by simulating thousands of students logging into the system at the same time.

“We use a script to mimic the process of many users logging in, loading the dashboard, adding and dropping a course and logging out,” says Mike Wyers, a Test Coordinator with EASI. “We try to push the system to the max to fix any bottlenecks and make sure our enrolment days run smoothly.”

In addition, the team also ensures the systems are up to date throughout the year.

“We have a renewed focus on security and conduct quarterly outages of our systems to perform necessary updates. It’s not only important for security but we want our systems running at their top performance,” says Rafique.

This year, the upgrades, testing and extensive preparation clearly paid off.

“We realize this is an important time of the year for everyone,” says Williams.” We try to make sure everything is in order well in advance in case there are any issues. We’re pleased that this day was seamless, and we look forward to the same outcome for next year’s enrolment!”

Connect+Learn: Configuring Your Microsoft Teams Channel for the Hybrid Workplace

Over the past year, divisions across the University have relied on Teams to facilitate communication and collaboration between colleagues. With the return to campus, it’s time to start thinking about how we can effectively use Teams in the hybrid workplace. 

Join Connect+Learn and Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) for this session on configuring individual teams/channels for the hybrid workplace. Topics discussed will include: 

  • Adding tabs to your teams (e.g. Planner) to facilitate hybrid teamwork. 
  • Adding additional channels to your team to stay engaged and organized. 
  • Tips and tricks for managing hybrid teams. 
  • And more… 


Connect+Learn: TCard+ for Campus Space

Join the UTSC TCard+ team for an overview of how their innovative solution can help you and your division keep track of space on campus.

What is the TCard+ solution? When entering a room or space, members of the University community can swipe their TCard on the TCard+ Device. This device can grant or deny access based on a list of authorized users and/or pre-programmed room or space capacity limits. You can also conveniently receive email reports with details on accepted and denied swipes.

Please note: this solution is only available at the Scarborough and St. George campuses.


Connect+Learn: Microsoft Bookings for Managing Workspaces

Did you know that Microsoft Bookings can be configured to manage room and resource bookings? Join us for this session on setting up and using Bookings specifically for this purpose. Topics discussed will include: 

  • What is Microsoft Bookings? 
  • How can I adapt Microsoft Bookings for room and resource reservations? 
  • Integrating Bookings with Outlook Shared Resources. 
  • And more… 
