Connect+Learn: New Teams Transcription Feature

Microsoft Teams recently launched its long-awaited meeting transcription feature. Join Connect+Learn for an overview of this new feature. Topics discussed will included:

  • What is the new Teams transcription feature?
  • How do I use the feature to transcribe my meetings?
  • How can I access my meeting transcripts later on?
  • How do I enable captioning for my meeting recordings using this tool?
  • And more…

A representative from Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) will also be on hand to answer your broader transcription tools questions.


Updated timeline: Microsoft will now retire Skype for Business on January 31, 2022

Date: July 13, 2021
To: InfoTech, EITU
From: EASI Digital Workplace
Re: Updated timeline: Microsoft will now retire Skype for Business on January 31, 2022


Good morning,

Microsoft previously indicated it would retire Skype for Business Online on July 31, 2021 (see previous memo below). Please note that Microsoft has revised this date to January 31, 2022.

Between now and January 31, existing Skype for Business users at the University will experience no change of service and they will be able to continue using it as needed. After January 31, the service will no longer be accessible.

If your division is still using Skype for Business, we recommend you take the following actions as soon as possible:

For online meetings

If your division is still using Skype for Business to schedule online meetings, we recommend upgrading to Microsoft Teams.

For conference rooms

If your division is still using Skype for Business in your conference rooms, you will need to switch to an alternative service before January 31, 2022. We recommend upgrading to Microsoft Teams.

In both instances, Teams offers improved meeting features to Skype for Business and we expect you will find the transition to be a smooth one. You can learn more about using Teams on the University’s Microsoft 365 website:

Please let us know how we can assist you in this transition by submitting a ticket through the Enterprise Service Centre.

Kind regards,

EASI Digital Workplace

Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, July 15 and Friday, July 16

Date: Monday, July 12, 2021
ROSI Users 
Student Information Systems
Re:Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, July 15 and Friday, July 16


Dear ROSI users,

*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Receivable and Accounting Office ***

Please do NOT process any batch or online Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, July 15 and Friday, July 16

If you process a CHOP for a student during this period, the student’s fees will be calculated incorrectly and in a manner that will be very difficult and time-consuming for Student Accounts to correct.

The student’s ACORN Financial Account may be blocked while the corrections are made.

If you must process a CHOP for a student during this period, then you must trigger fees assessment by viewing the student’s invoice, and forward an email message to

Student Receivable and Accounting Office is testing the Fall 2021-Winter 2022 session fees assessment process during this period, and if the testing is successful, fees assessment will be turned ‘ON’ at 5pm on Friday, July 16 and fees will be available to view on ROSI on Monday, July 19.

Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Student Information Systems

Absence Declaration Enhancement Now Available

Date:  July 6, 2021
To:  U of T Staff
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Absence Declaration Enhancement Now Available


Hi everyone,

We are pleased to announce that the upgrade to the Absence Declaration tool has launched. It is now available to students in ACORN and to administrators in the new Online Administrative Student Information Services (OASIS) platform. OASIS is where we will be building new ROSI functionality in the future.

The new Absence Declaration has undergone usability testing by students and staff across all three campuses. It will allow administrators to track current, past and cancelled absences with more detail, including date, course, session, instructor, students’ notes and administrators’ notes.

Note: This is an upgrade to the existing Absence Declaration. If your division has not been using the Absence Declaration, this will not change your business processes.

We have updated our instructions to students on ACORN Help on how to declare, edit and cancel an absence declaration in ACORN. Please update your materials to reflect these changes and feel free to link to our resources.

How do I declare an absence?

How do I edit an existing absence declaration?
How do I cancel an absence declaration?

If you were unable to join us for a Connect+Learn session to learn more about the enhancement, you can watch a recording here.

You can also find out more about Absence Declaration in OASIS in the Enterprise Service Centre.

We would like to thank the project team and the divisional participants who have helped to make this project a success. We would also like to thank all SIS users who have supported this initiative.

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Student Information Systems

Summer 2021 – Count Procedures

Date: July 5, 2021
To: Faculty Registrars
From: Planning Analytics
Re: Summer 2021 – Count Procedures


In order to assist you in preparing for the Summer Count, please refer to the procedures below.

The RETRIEVAL DATE will be on August 11.   The COUNT DATES are as follows:

  •   Subsession = F  à count date is June 1 (courses are active between May 3 and June 14)
  •      Session       = Y  à count date is June 30 (courses are active between May 3 and August 16)
  •      Subsession = S  à count date is July 26 (courses are active between July 5 and August 16)

In other words, there will be a count date tied into the session or subsession indicating when the course is operating.

On each COUNT DATE, all academic activities that were approved on or before the associated  COUNT DATE  (as shown above) will be picked up for each student.  Academic activities that do not have APProved status on or before the relevant COUNT DATE will be excluded.  Students without any APProved academic activities falling within the appropriate count dates shown above will NOT be included in the retrieval.  There is no need to “freeze” processing to ROSI records anytime during the count retrieval process as long as all amendments have the correct effective date associated with them.

  1. Please run the COUNT-DATE-PREPARATION programs in ROSI – direct command  4 B B as early as you can before the count retrieval date (August 11).  These programs will help you identify student records that may require adjustments.  Examine the outputs and enter corrections/changes to the student records on or before the retrieval date.
  2. As in past years, it is essential that data such as LEGAL STATUS and COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP be complete.  We have very little leeway for ‘not reported’ data in DATE OF BIRTH and MOTHER TONGUE, so please make these as complete as you can.   It is also important that permanent address be available.  The ROSI program “Registrations Containing Anomalous Data – direct command 4 B B G will be of assistance in identifying records needing data adjustment.
  3. On the evening of the retrieval date (August 11), Planning and Budget (P&B) will run the retrieval program and will retrieve records of all students with academic activity within the start date and end date of each subsession and whose registration effective date is no later than June 30.  The registration effective date must be set to June 30 or earlier regardless of subsession.  For the Summer count, academic activities will be counted as follows:F courses will be counted as at June 1

    Y courses will be counted as at June 30

    S courses will be counted as at July 26


  4. After the count retrieval, you will receive an e-mail notification that your division’s report datasets have been created.   This is an additional check in ensuring that no students have been missed.
  5. After the count retrieval and before August 17, please notify us if substantive changes need to be made to your division’s records.  You can also notify us of additional registrations between August 11 and August 17 although we cannot guarantee that they will be added to the count file.
  6. Documents supporting the exempt status of international students who have been exempted from paying international fees must be on file in your division and available for reference.  ROSI screen 4 B B D should help to identify such students.If you have any questions or if you need clarification, please contact Planning & Analytics by email at You may also contact SIS Client Services and Process Integration via the Enterprise Service Centre (ESC). 

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E-Token retirement coming soon

***Sent on behalf of Information Security***

In the coming months, e-token authentication for high security logins will migrate to UTORMFA.

UTORMFA has already been adopted by over 9000 members of the U of T community. UTORMFA, powered by DUO, is a software based multi-factor authentication method that authenticates user logins via prompts sent to a user’s phone. UTORMFA is easy to use, quick to set up and secure.

Other authentication options will be available for use cases where UTORMFA is not appropriate.

The migration process will be gradual and carefully implemented.

  • Fall 2021: Licences for e-tokens no longer issued.
  • Fall to Winter 2021: Migration process underway.
  • Winter 2021 to Spring 2022: Migration process complete by the end of June 2021.

More information about the e-token migration will be available in the coming weeks.

To learn more about UTORMFA visit:

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to the UTORMFA project team:

Absence Declaration Enhancement Details – July 6 Launch

Date:  June 30, 2021
To:  U of T Staff
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Absence Declaration Enhancement Details – July 6 Launch


Hi everyone,

This is a reminder that Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) plans to release an upgrade to the Absence Declaration tool on July 6, 2021. Currently, this tool is available in ACORN for students and in ROSI for Administrators. The administrators’ screens for Absence Declaration will be housed on the new Online Administrative Student Information Services (OASIS) platform. OASIS is where we will be building new ROSI functionality in the future.

 The URL for OASIS will be active on July 6 after 12 pm (ET):

If you were unable to join us for a Connect+Learn session to learn more about the enhancement, you can watch a recording here.

In preparation for the launch, the Absence Declaration tool in ACORN will be unavailable on Monday, July 5. All other functionality in ACORN will remain available. If students need to record an absence for July 5, they will be able to do so on July 6 after 12:00 pm (ET).  In ROSI, the Absence Declaration screens will be changed to read-only access; administrators will be able to record absences in OASIS starting on July 6.

We have also updated our instructions to students (currently not public) on how to declare, edit and cancel an absence declaration in ACORN. Please update your materials to reflect these changes and feel free to link to our resources on ACORN Help. These links will be published on July 6 with the same URLs.

How do I declare an absence?

How do I edit an existing absence declaration?

How do I cancel an absence declaration?

We will be sending out further communications on July 6 to announce the launch and provide you with further details.

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Student Information Systems

Connect+Learn: Absence Declaration Enhancement

on July 6, 2021, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) plans to release an upgrade to the Absence Declaration available in ACORN for students and currently in ROSI for Administrators. The new Absence Declaration has undergone usability testing by students and staff across all three campuses. It will allow administrators to track current, past and cancelled absences with more detail, including date, course, session, instructor, students’ notes and administrators’ notes.

The administrators’ screens for Absence Declaration will be housed on the new Online Administrative Student Information Services (OASIS) platform. OASIS is where we will be building new ROSI functionality in the future.

Topics covered include:

  • An introduction to the enhancement and details about the project.
  • Details on the changes you can expect.
  • How to navigate the interface in OASIS and what students will see in ACORN.
  • What processes have been modified, including reporting.
  • Details on how to update resources for students.


AMS Outage – University Pension Plan Implementation

Date: June 22, 2021 
AMS GUI Users 
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
AMS Outage – University Pension Plan Implementation


Hi AMS GUI users,

Please be advised that the Administrative Management System (AMS) will not be available for GUI users from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 2021. This outage will allow for the transition on July 1, 2021 to the new University Pension Plan (UPP). Learn more about the UPP on the HR & Equity website.

All other AMS web-based systems, including Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD), My Research, Capital Project Portal, Invoice Workflow, Employee Self-Service (ESS), and Manager Self-Service (MSS) will be available during this time.

Please note that the Fiori Launchpad Reporting is available: this is the link to the site. Fiori Launchpad Reporting will reflect real-time AMS data, which will be updating throughout this outage. Use your UTORid to login and the detailed instructions can be found here:

See our System Availability page for more details.


Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

Absence Declaration – Updating Information for Students and Connect+Learn Recording 

Date: June 22, 2021 
U of T Staff 
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Absence Declaration – Updating Information for Students and Connect+Learn Recording 


Hi everyone,

In preparation for the launch of the Absence Declaration enhancement on July 6, 2021, we have updated our instructions to students (currently not public) on how to declare, edit and cancel an absence declaration in ACORN. Please update your materials to reflect these changes and feel free to link to our resources on ACORN Help. These links will be published on July 6 with the same URLs.

How do I declare an absence?
How do I edit an existing absence declaration?
How do I cancel an absence declaration?

Background: The new Absence Declaration will allow administrators to track current, past and cancelled absences with more detail, including date, course, session, instructor, students’ notes and administrators’ notes. The administrators’ screens for Absence Declaration will be housed on the new Online Administrative Student Information Services (OASIS) platform. OASIS is where we will be building new ROSI functionality in the future.

If you were unable to attend our Connect+Learn session today, you can view a recording of the session and you can also join us for another upcoming session.

Tuesday, June 29 from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

Call in (audio only) +1 647-794-1609,,310728927#

Download to Calendar

Topics covered will include:

  • An introduction to the enhancement and details about the project.
  • Details on the changes you can expect.
  • How to navigate the interface in OASIS and what students will see in ACORN.
  • What processes have been modified, including reporting.
  • Details on how to update resources for students.

For weekly updates on upcoming sessions, visit the Connect+Learn website and subscribe to the newsletter.

During the week of June 28, we will also be posting documentation and videos on the Student Information Systems SharePoint site on how to use Absence Declaration.

Please stay tuned for more updates!

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Student Information Systems