S01 dates for 20219 and 20221

Date: May 4, 2021
To: ROSI Users
From: Student Information Systems
Re: S01 dates for 20219 and 20221

This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Receivable and Accounting Office ***    

Dear ROSI users,

In order to set up refund schedules, Student Receivable and Accounting Office needs to know the divisional dates for the start and end of classes for each session.  If you have not already done so, please add your S01 Sessional Event Dates for 20219 and 20221 as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Student Information Systems

Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA – May 3

U of T faculty, librarians and staff across the tri-campus community are all invited to self-enroll in UTORMFA, an important part of a holistic information security program that will help support the University’s mission to protect user accounts and data.

Join Connect+Learn and representatives from Information Security for a guide to self-enrolling in UTORMFA. Topics covered will include:

  • What is multi-factor authentication (MFA) and why is it important?
  • What is UTORMFA?
  • How do I self-enroll in UTORMFA?


Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA – April 27

U of T faculty, librarians and staff across the tri-campus community are all invited to self-enroll in UTORMFA, an important part of a holistic information security program that will help support the University’s mission to protect user accounts and data.

Join Connect+Learn and representatives from Information Security for a guide to self-enrolling in UTORMFA. Topics covered will include:

  • What is multi-factor authentication (MFA) and why is it important?
  • What is UTORMFA?
  • How do I self-enroll in UTORMFA?


Connect+Learn: Maximizing Your Teams-Connected SharePoint Site

Are you a team owner? Did you know you automatically have a SharePoint site connected to your team? In this session we’ll explore the specific features of Teams-connected sites including:

Understanding the permissions model for Teams-connected sites
Inviting people to your site but not your team
The link between channels and the default document library
Adding SharePoint apps to Teams tabs
Private channel sprawl
And more…


Connect+Learn: Enroll in UTORMFA – April 20

U of T faculty, librarians and staff across the tri-campus community are all invited to self-enroll in UTORMFA, an important part of a holistic information security program that will help support the University’s mission to protect user accounts and data.

Join Connect+Learn and representatives from Information Security for a guide to self-enrolling in UTORMFA. Topics covered will include:

  • What is multi-factor authentication (MFA) and why is it important?
  • What is UTORMFA?
  • How do I self-enroll in UTORMFA?


ROSI Login ID selection

Date: April 15, 2021
To: ROSI Users with multiple ROSI IDs
From: Student Information Systems 
Re: ROSI Login ID selection


Dear ROSI Users with multiple ROSI IDs:

Due to a recent change in IdP (identity provider), the order in which your ROSI IDs appear on the selection screen upon login may have switched.

User ID showing multiple user drop down menu

As a result, the default ID that you’re used to seeing may no longer be listed first.  Since some IDs look very similar, it is important to pay close attention to the ROSI ID you’re choosing before you proceed.

If you have one or more old IDs that you no longer need or use, please let us know via the ESC: http://uoft.me/rosi-support and we will contact the appropriate ROSI Access Control Representative for deletion.

Student Information Systems

Connect+Learn: Introduction to JIRA

This session will discuss how software development teams can use JIRA to collaborate on and complete projects. Topics discussed will include:

  • How JIRA can be used to manage various project issues. Issues range from simple tasks and sub-tasks, to defects and new features. Issues are assigned to project members who then work to resolve and complete them.
  • How you can use workflows to transition issues through well-defined stages.
  • Tracking work progress via email notifications and project boards.
  • Using dashboards to report on the overall status of one or more projects and work assignments.
  • How JIRA can be used to support agile development techniques and plan sprints, track daily work and report on progress.


Bulk changes to offer response dates (ROEN-97) 

Date:  April 9, 2021
To: Registrarial Community
From:  Student Information Systems
Re: Bulk changes to offer response dates (ROEN-97)


*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Accounts ***

Dear colleagues,

We have now implemented ROSI change request ROEN-97, which enables bulk updating of offer response dates. This change was suggested to support the admissions process for those groups using admission deposit, but use of admission deposit is not required. Prior to this, users had been updating response dates manually. This change should make the process of extending response periods more efficient.

Bulk changes are processed via a production request, using form SAJ1207 (attached). See here for more information about production requests, and a list of production request forms.

Required file name: SAJ1207.INPUT

Required file information:

  • Student number
    • Must be 10 digits, add leading zeroes for student numbers less than 10 digits
  • POSt Code
    • Must include all whitespace
    • No space between student number and POSt Code
  • Session code
  • Candidacy status code
  • New offer response date
    • No space between candidacy status code and new offer response date
  • Should the date be overwritten if an admission letter has already been produced? (Y/N)
    • No space between new response date and letter override value

 File format example:

1012451810PG   MMPA 20219 ADM2021-04-30Y

1006051371NU   PHD     20219 ADM2021-04-30Y

The example above will overwrite the response dates for the records in sis.cand_sts corresponding to the provided combinations of student number, POSt Code, session, and candidacy status code. In this example, both response dates will be changed to 2021-04-30.

Please submit a ticket via the ESC if you have any follow-up questions about this process.

Student Information Systems

Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9

Date: April 5, 2021
ROSI Users
Student Information Systems 
Re: Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9


*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Accounts ***

Please do NOT process any batch or online Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9.

If you process a CHOP for a student during this period, the student’s fees will be calculated incorrectly and in a manner that will be very difficult and time-consuming for Student Accounts to correct.

The student’s ACORN Financial Account may be blocked while the corrections are made.

If you must process a CHOP for a student during this period, then you must trigger fees assessment by viewing the student’s invoice and forward an email message to bonnie.vincze@utoronto.ca.

Student Accounts is testing the Summer 2021 session fees assessment process during this period, and if the testing is successful, fees assessment will be turned ‘ON’ at 5pm on Friday, April 9 and fees will be available to view on ROSI on Monday, April 12.

Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Student Information Systems

AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2021

Date: April 1, 2021
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2021


Hi everyone,

This year AMS will close for FI year-end processing on Wednesday. April 28, 2021 at 7pm and will re-open on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7am.

ERDD and the Capital Projects Portal and Invoice Workflow will resume regular functionality on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7am, and uSOURCE will resume operation at 9am.

The following summarizes the AMS system availability during the week prior to year-end closing:


Date Status
Tuesday, April 20 System closes for bi-weekly payroll at 6pm.
Wednesday, April 21 System re-opens at 7am and closes for monthly payroll phase 1 payroll at 6pm.
Thursday, April 22 System re-opens at 7am and closes for monthly payroll phase 2 at 5pm
Friday, April 23 System re-opens at 7am and closes for “Copy Plan to Budget” at 7pm
Saturday, April 24 System re-opens at 7am
Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, April 25 System open regular hours on the weekend
Monday, April 26 System open regular hours
Tuesday April 27 System open regular hours
Wednesday, April 28 Invoice Workflow – Unavailable at 12pm (noon)

System closed to all users at 7pm

Thursday, April 29 and Friday, April 30 System closed to all users
Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2 System closed to all users
Monday, May 3 System re-opens at 7am except uSOURCE opens at 9am

Please check our System Availability page for information on all systems.

For information on the impact of the year-end closing dates on reporting and processing, refer to the Financial Services website.

Please note that the Fiori Launchpad Reporting is available: this is the link to the new site. Use your UTORid to login and the detailed instructions can be found here: https://finance.utoronto.ca/knowledgecentre/intro-to-fiori-launchpad/

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)