Information Management in Office 365

​What are the expectations when it comes to storing information in Office 365? This session will introduce you to records retention, FIPPA and data classification requirements at the university, with additional time for Q&A on how this relates to Office 365 products like OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint. We will be joined by special guests from University of Toronto Archives & Records Management.


SIS Critical dates – reports, letters and procedures

Date: July 7, 2020
ROSI Users
Student Information Systems
SIS Critical dates – reports, letters and procedures


Dear ROSI users,

A gentle reminder that during the summer ACORN, ROSI and the database will be under pressure on the days when particular populations of students being their course enrolment for the coming Fall and Winter sessions. Please avoid running large reports and downloads in ROSI or other systems including Degree Explorer, or printing large batches of letters (including to pdf) on those days, especially in the morning.

The calendar of SIS critical dates can be found on the SIS SharePoint website.

Student Information Systems

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Retirement of the Outlook People Pane (formerly the Outlook Social Connector)

Microsoft will be retiring the People Pane (formerly the Outlook Social Connector) feature from Outlook for Office 365 with minimum version 16.0.12712.10000 beginning in late July. Instead of the People Pane they recommend the utilization of the find related messages feature or the new faster search experience. For meeting items users can use the Scheduling Assistant and Tracking pane to see who is attending the meeting.

Using Templates in Outlook Online

Email templates can be a wonderful time-saver. In Outlook, you can compose and save an email message as a template, and then send it when you need to. With email templates, you only need to change key details such as dates, names and recipients: the rest of the email will already be written for you.

This session will show you how to create email templates, and when to use them. Special attention will be paid to the benefits of using templates with shared mailboxes in Outlook Online.


AMS Outages June 26 to July 1

Date: June 24, 2020
To: All staff and faculty
From: Administrative Management Systems
Re: AMS Outages June 26 to July 1


Hi everyone,

This is a reminder that the university will be closed from June 29 to July 1. As a result, the following systems will be closed from June 26 at 6:00 p.m. to July 1 at 7:00 a.m. Please note that uSOURCE will open on July 1 at 9:00 a.m.

  • AMS
  • Capital Project Portal and Invoice Workflow
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit

Please consult the System Availability page for more details.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration

U of T to Launch New Phonebook Directory – Summer 2020

Date: June 24, 2020
To: All staff and faculty
From: Administrative Management Systems
Re: U of T to Launch New Phonebook Directory – Summer 2020


Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that U of T is currently working to replace its current phonebook directory with a more modern, accurate and mobile-friendly website – it’s a development that will provide users with a completely revamped and accessible interface, available on tablets and phones.

Since fall 2019, Information Technology Services along with Human Resources & Equity have worked to improve data accuracy and have also engaged in a variety of research and design sessions across all three campuses, to improve the user experience.

The new directory is scheduled to launch in summer 2020.

Learn more about the project and read an article about the upcoming launch.



Public Search – Available to all internal and external users

  • Will allow for users to easily search for staff, faculty members and division or department information.
  • Will offer more reliable and robust data due to a new process flow, continuous data cleansing and automation.
  • Similar to Google, the site will take the guesswork out of searching by providing autosuggestions, and will guide people through the searching process with helpful tips.
  • Will display helpful information from all three campuses, including emergency, media and safety contacts.
  • Will provide a more modern user experience, which is fully accessible.

Authenticated Search – Available to U of T staff and faculty when they log in using their UTORid

  • Will provide a self-serve option, allowing users to update their contact information.
  • Will allow users to download a list of search results and departmental contacts.

Business Officer / Human Resources Module

  • Will ease Business Officers’ workload, since staff and faculty can update non-official information – Business Officers will still need to update individuals’ official information and departmental information.
  • Will allow Business Officers the ability to hide a personal record from the public search.

Please stay tuned for more details.

Questions? Contact Brian Galvis, IT Project Manager with EASI at

Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI)

ROSI, ACORN and changes to delivery mode codes for 2020-21

Date: June 16, 2020
Student Information Systems
ROSI, ACORN and changes to delivery mode codes for 2020-21


Dear Registrarial colleagues,

By now you are aware that new delivery modes are to be used for meeting sections for the 2020 Fall and 2021 Winter sessions. These new codes are now available in ROSI and will soon be visible to students in ACORN. Here is how ROSI, ACORN and other applications are being altered to support their use. Please read carefully as some implementation steps and requests are embedded in the descriptions.


In Person (INPER), Online Synchronous (SYNC) and Online Asynchronous (ASYNC) are the only valid delivery modes for the coming academic period. In Class, Online and Hybrid should not be used and where already in place, should be replaced. To support this:

  • An end session has been added to the support table that lists delivery mode choices for meeting sections on the Maintain Activity Meeting Sections screen (1BAC)
  • Data entry of delivery mode will be validated against the date. It will not be possible to add any of the older codes when creating or modifying a meeting section for the coming year
  • The field is required. ROSI will no longer enter a default value (previously In Class) if the field is left blank. Instead, an error will be returned.
    B. This will have an effect on the rollover process. If your division still needs to perform an academic activity rollover for the Fall and Winter, please alert us ASAP.
  • For divisions that use the Room Reservation System uploads and downloads, the delivery mode field is being added to  all three. This will change the format required. Please make sure you account for this in your formatting and be sure to include the appropriate, valid code. Please check with us, before running the process to be sure we have implemented the changes.
  • If you have access to the QA environment, you may want to test your upload before running it in production.
  • If you are using the uploads to change existing meeting sections, remember that some processes may change the enrolment quantity value in your enrolment control lines to match the maximum enrolment quantity on the meeting section overall. This is not new behaviour but could have a larger impact this year.
  • If you are using the uploads to create new meeting sections, remember only the default generic wildcard enrolment control line will be created.
  • If your division has already created all meeting sections, you will likely need to change the delivery modes. If you have too many to manage manually, we may be able to assist. Please contact us to see if you have enough to make an update query worthwhile. If you require a list of all your meeting sections with the delivery mode, please let us know.


Students have been able to see the Hybrid and Online delivery methods in ACORN for several years. Development work is underway to ensure students will see the three new codes in the course lookup, the course planner and in their personal timetables. A description of the particular delivery mode will be available in a tool tip in the course lookup. The description will also include a statement that the student can find details at their divisional website. We will provide a link from that statement to a website for the division that is the primary org on the course. ASAP, please provide us with a link that we can attach to your courses. Ideally this would be the page where your divisional timetable is published, or your general statements about course delivery. Preferably the url will be one that can be used over multiple sessions. For example, you should provide us the landing page where all your timetables are linked rather than the Fall and Winter Timetable specifically. Please send your url to Kelly Jay (

Course Finder

Delivery mode is already displaying in Course Finder. We will add a general statement to the main page indicating the details for specific meeting sections may be found on the divisional website. This statement will not include a link.

Some of these changes will require us to make further adjustments later in the year. For example, the activity rollover procedure will need to be adjusted so that newly invalid delivery mode options do not cause failures. We will advise you as we make these changes.

If you have questions about any of this, please contact Kelly Jay or me.


Rodney Branch
Manager, Client Services and Process Integration
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI & NGSIS)
University of Toronto

ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, June 19

Date: June 15, 2020
ROSI Users
Student Information Systems
ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, June 19


Dear ROSI users,

We will need to take ROSI and all associated student information systems offline 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., on Friday, June 19 to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.  The following systems will be affected:

Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
ACORN Grant Application
ROSI Express
Course Information System
Timetable Builder
Varsity Blues Registration System
Safety Abroad Student Registry
Exam photo invigilation
Web services

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

EASI – Student Information Systems