Why should my division onboard to Azure DevOps?

For divisions working independently of EASI, we recommend that you transition to Azure DevOps due to increased security, alignment with U of T’s technical roadmap and future evolution with Microsoft. If your division is transitioning to Jira Cloud, Jira Software Cloud Standard is recommended as the minimum due to security requirements.

Why is EASI and its partner divisions moving to Azure DevOps?

On February 15, 2024, Jira Server will reach end of life and users will no longer be able to access this application. EASI and its partner divisions will be transitioning to Azure DevOps due to cost savings, alignment with U of T’s technical roadmap and future evolution with Microsoft.

Can I share my videos with a wide audience in the new version of Stream? 

Yes, In Stream (on SharePoint) you can share your videos with anyone in your organization and external users* as well. You can take the embed code and use it with any website. You can also have a SharePoint site and feature your videos.  

*External links expire after 30 days. External sharing is off by default for SharePoint sites. Please speak with the SharePoint team if you require this to be turned on. If you only need your video to be viewed by internal users (e.g. a class), we recommend using the “People in University of Toronto” share setting. This is equivalent to the “visible to organization” setting in Stream Classic. 

Will any of the features from Stream classic not transfer over to Stream (on SharePoint)? Will I still be able to upload a video to Stream and have Stream auto-generate a transcription for it?

Stream on SharePoint offers the same features as Stream Classic with many improvements. However, at this time the ability to add embedded polls to Stream videos is not currently available in Stream on SharePoint. Microsoft has included this feature in their roadmap and has indicated that it is in development. We will update the community re: release date as we know more. Improved auto-transcription is available in Stream on SharePoint. 

You can see a full comparison list of features here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/stream/streamnew/features-new-version-stream#detailed-feature-comparison-to-stream-classic. 

What would we need to factor in when deciding to migrate recordings to OneDrive vs SharePoint?

There are many considerations when choosing between OneDrive and SharePoint for your video storage. OneDrive is your personal storage space for the work you do with the University, and SharePoint is generally used when you are working in a group setting with colleagues who all need full access to the same files/recordings. For a full overview of these considerations from an information management perspective, see this page from our SharePoint team: https://utoronto.sharepoint.com/sites/SPLearn/SitePages/Information-Management-and-Office-365.aspx 

Stream Classic has a “group” tab where you can place videos into different groups. Will the group tab be available in Stream on SharePoint?

In Stream Classic, the “group” tab shows you videos sorted into their corresponding Microsoft Teams team/channel. The videos you see here will often be meeting recordings and/or videos where a team has been added as an additional owner. The group tab will not be available in Stream on SharePoint, but your videos will still be associated with the team/channel they were associated with in Stream Classic, and you can group your videos into folders and libraries. If you want to display the videos associated with a specific team/channel with Stream on SharePoint, you have a few options. You can read more here