Update on Microsoft Teams

Join Connect+Learn for an overview of some recent changes. Updates discussed will include:

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Rocket Shuttle Migration Update and Resources

Date:  April 11, 2023
To:  Rocket Shuttle Users
From:  Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:   Rocket Shuttle Migration Update and Resources


Dear past and present Rocket Shuttle users,

Thank you to those who offboarded from Rocket Shuttle on April 6 in advance of the expiry of the application’s license on May 17, 2023. We will be following up this week with select users who remain to be offboarded.

As mentioned in previous communications, we are offering many resources to support you in the transition to Azure Data Studio and Power BI:

Thank you again for your help with this project and ensuring U of T is prepared for the end of the Rocket Shuttle license.

If you have any questions, please contact Katie Babcock at katie.babcock@utoronto.ca.

Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14

Date:  April 10, 2023
To: ROSI Users
From:  Student Information Systems
Re: Please do NOT process Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14


*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Receivables & Accounting ***

Please do NOT process any batch or online Change of POSt (CHOP) on Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14.

If you process a CHOP for a student during this period, the student’s fees will be calculated incorrectly and in a manner that will be very difficult and time-consuming for Student Accounts to correct.

The student’s ACORN Financial Account may be blocked while the corrections are made.

If you must process a CHOP for a student during this period, then you must trigger fees assessment by viewing the student’s invoice and forward an email message to bonnie.vincze@utoronto.ca.

Student Receivables & Accounting is testing the Summer 2023 session fees assessment process during this period, and if the testing is successful, fees assessment will be turned ‘ON’ at 5pm on Friday, April 14 and fees will be available to view on ROSI on Monday, April 17.

Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Student Information Systems

Update to AMS Password Reset

Date: April 5, 2023
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: Update to AMS Password Reset


Dear AMS SAP GUI Users,

In an effort to streamline processes, increase security and provide an improved user experience, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is working to update the current AMS Password Reset process.

Starting April 17, you can quickly and conveniently reset your AMS SAP GUI password in the Enterprise Service Centre. This new form will provide an automated email that will guide you through the process.

The current form on the EASI website will remain active until June 1, 2023, after which time it will redirect to the Enterprise Service Centre.

We will provide future updates when this new form is activated.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration

AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2023

Date: April 4, 2023
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: AMS FI Fiscal Year-End Closure 2023


Hi everyone,

This year AMS will close for FI year-end processing on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 7pm and will re-open on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7am. 

ERDD and the Capital Projects Portal and Invoice Workflow will resume regular functionality on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7am, and uSOURCE will resume operation at 9am.

The following summarizes the AMS system availability during the week prior to year-end closing:

Date Status
Tuesday, April 18 System closes for bi-weekly payroll at 6pm
Wednesday, April 19 System re-opens at 7am
Thursday, April 20 System open regular hours
Friday, April 21 System closes for monthly payroll phase 1 and for “Copy Plan to Budget” at 6pm
Saturday, April 22 System re-opens at 7am
Sunday, April 23 System open regular hours
Monday, April 24 System closes for monthly payroll phase 2 at 5pm
Tuesday, April 25 System re-opens at 7am
Wednesday, April 26 System open regular hours
Thursday, April 27 System closed to all users at 7pm
Friday, April 28 System closed to all users
Saturday, April 29 and Sunday, April 30 System closed to all users
Monday, May 1 System re-opens at 7am except uSOURCE opens at 9am

Please check our System Availability page for information on all systems.

For information on the impact of the year-end closing dates on reporting and processing, refer to the Financial Services website.

Please note that the Fiori Launchpad Reporting will remain available.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

EASI Go Prod AMS and Enterprise Shared Services Updates – Nov. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2023

Date: April 3, 2023
To: U of T Staff
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: EASI Go Prod AMS and Enterprise Shared Services Updates – Nov. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2023


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for U of T’s Administrative Management Systems and Enterprise Shared Services.

The following are major changes from November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023:

Financial Information System

Retirement of Automatic Print for PO Workflow Users (December 13, 2022)
On December 13, 2022, EASI updated AMS printing to support more convenient, paperless processes for divisions and departments that used the Purchase Order (PO) Workflow. Through comprehensive consultations across all three campuses, EASI identified that users could print to PDF and subsequently retired the automatic printed copy of Purchase Orders in AMS.

Electronic Funds Transfer – Phase 2 (March 2, 2023) 
In August 2022, the University launched the first phase of the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) project to transition vendor payments by paper cheque to direct deposit. Phase 2 of the project, which launched on March 2, 2023, involved streamlining processes and notifying administrative staff about changes within AMS. This phase also includes an ongoing strategic onboarding of existing U of T vendors, and the EFT team is accepting additional vendor recommendations from the U of T community for future consideration.

Azure Billing (March 15, 2023)
On March 15, Information Technology Services and Financial Advisory Services and Training launched automated billing for Azure. Users can now view Azure billing details in AMS, providing greater reporting frequency, transparency and convenience.

Research Information System

My Research Suite (March 27, 2023)
My Research Applications Block Grant functionality was expanded to manage the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program. This change will simplify departmental reporting and improve transparency.

Enterprise Shared Services

SharePoint+UTORGrouper (December 2022)
SharePoint can now leverage dynamic groups through UTORGrouper. UTORGrouper grants organizations the ability to manage security groups for access across multiple platforms with groups being made available in Azure. You can create your groups in one place (UTORGrouper) and access them across all O365 platforms, including SharePoint and Teams. In SharePoint, these groups will be accessible across multiple sites and memberships will automatically be updated. Visit the SharePoint Support Centre to get started.

AvePoint (February 2023)
EASI is now offering a third-party backup solution for SharePoint called AvePoint. While deleted items will be stored in SharePoint’s recycle bin for a maximum of 93 days, AvePoint will offer SharePoint admins the ability to backup their selected site data in SharePoint permanently. Charges for this service are based on the amount of storage requested and will be billed annually. Interested parties will have the ability to enroll into this service on a quarterly basis with the next enrollment period occurring in June 2023.

Human Resources Information System

Kronos (November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
Kronos, a convenient, cloud-based time and attendance system, eliminates the use of paper timesheets and the need to forecast employee hours through online approval processes. EASI has implemented Kronos Timekeeper within the following areas: Department of Linguistics, the Faculty of Information, and New College.

EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Oct. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2023

Date:  April 3, 2023
To: ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: EASI Go Prod NGSIS Updates – Oct. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2023


Hi everyone,

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) would like to update you on the latest major production releases and updates for the NGSIS program and student systems. From October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023, EASI completed close to 88 releases for a wide range of applications.

The following are major changes during this timeframe:

New Gender Codes in ROSI (September 2022)
In September 2022, EASI implemented new gender codes in ROSI to reflect changes made by the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). These changes expanded the gender categories options for applicants and by extension to registered students. Updated ACORN displays were released in mid January and updated ROSI reports were released March 7. The EASI team is now working to modify all remaining associated services and extracts to align with these changes.

Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) – Student and Administrator Launch (January 5, 2023)
In the beginning of March, in partnership with Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI), Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) launched enhancements to ACORN allowing students to book requests for accommodated testing via ACORN for assessments written during the whole Exam Period. New functions were also provided to the ATS Admin System that permit ATS staff to maintain some key data required to support students being able to make booking requests through ACORN. ATS also further enhanced a module that will eventually allow staff to coordinate accommodated tests through a new administrative system while instructors continue to submit accommodated test details and documents within the Course Information System.

U of T Student Equity Census (February 21, 2023)
The U of T Student Equity Census is a demographic data collection initiative with a set of seven questions, including questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, Indigenous identity, race and/or ethnocultural identity, and education attainment of parents or guardians. In July 2022, the census was incorporated into ACORN and the Student Information System data environment. On February 21, at the request of the Office of the Vice-Provost – Students, the survey was made compulsory for all students, though students may decline to answer individual questions.

Default to ECOPRINT – PDF Printing (February 27, 2023)
On February 27, 2023, EASI completed changes to the infrastructure that managed physical printing from ROSI. To align with larger efforts in modernization, most physical printing from ROSI transitioned exclusively to PDF printing through ECOPRINT.

Timetable Builder Improvements (February 28, 2023)
The cloud-based Timetable Builder expansion was launched on June 6, 2022 and further improvements were implemented on February 28, 2023. These improvements include, allowing notes management outside of TB start dates and legend, and allowing divisional Calendars to direct users to courses in Timetable Builder. Interface enhancements were implemented, and technical debt was also addressed.

Course Information System (CIS)
The Course Information System streamlines syllabi and exams processes for instructors and administrators. CIS has made the following releases: 

  • Launch of the Syllabus Builder Module (November 21, 2022)
    Starting with the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the new Syllabus Builder module provides instructors with an end-to-end experience for creating their course syllabus document, with the goal of improving the consistency of syllabi across the institution for both students and academic administrators.
  • Instructor Imports for Syllabus Builder (March 2, 2023)
    This enhancement to the Syllabus Builder module allows instructors to copy over previously submitted data, to save time and effort when teaching the same or very similar courses over the years.
  • UTSC Exam Module Enhancements (March 21, 2023)
    Enhancements to UTSC’s exam modules to improve alignment with business and administrative needs.

BIRT/iHUB Curriculum Management Reports Replaced with Power BI (March 15, 2023)
On March 15, 2023, EASI transitioned all BIRT/iHUB Curriculum Management reports to Power BI. This transition will increase flexibility in developing and modifying reports and allow for cross-application and cross-database reporting. In the future, Power BI reporting will expand to additional reports in various applications.

Absence Declaration Reports in OASIS

Date: March 31, 2023
OASIS Absence Declaration Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: Absence Declaration Reports in OASIS


Hi Everyone,

As some of you may know, changes were recently implemented in the Absence Declaration Reports area in OASIS. Notably, the absence reports are now generated in PowerBI and the Reports window is embedded in OASIS. Please refer to the attached document for details on how you can access and run the reports. Additional help materials will be available in ESC in the near future.

Student Information Systems

Rocket Shuttle Migration Update and Resources 

Date: March 23, 2023
To: Rocket Shuttle Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Rocket Shuttle Migration Update and Resources

Dear past and present Rocket Shuttle users,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with the Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) team over the past few months to prepare for the Rocket Shuttle Migration. As you are aware, EASI will be replacing Rocket Shuttle with Azure Data Studio and Power BI on May 17, 2023, which aligns with the expiry of U of T’s Rocket Shuttle license.

To avoid any issues with converting queries and transitioning to new applications, we are encouraging most users to prepare well in advance of this deadline and to offboard from Rocket Shuttle by April 6, 2023 (this excludes select users who will be offboarded at the end of license due to business reasons).

To support you in this transition, here are some additional updates and resources: 

  • Participate in the Power BI & Azure Data Studio Community Channel. We have migrated the ITS EASI RocketWeb User Group into this channel to provide a consistent user experience. If you would like to unsubscribe, simply click on the three dots by the channel name and click “Leave team.”
  • For community query users, we are currently testing these queries and will send separate, targeted communications in April when they have been fully validated.

Thank you again for your help with this project and ensuring U of T is prepared for the end of the Rocket Shuttle license.

If you have any questions, please contact Katie Babcock at katie.babcock@utoronto.ca.

Launch of EFT Phase 2

Date: March 6, 2023
To: Departmental Administrators
From: Electronic Funds Transfer Project Team
Re: Launch of EFT Phase 2


Dear Departmental Administrators,

The Electronic Funds Transfer team is excited to announce that Phase 2 of the project has successfully launched.

We have begun a gradual onboarding of existing U of T vendors to EFT payments, and EFT payment runs will continue to run weekly on Tuesdays.

Please note the following changes to business processes:

  • All payments after onboarding must be paid through EFT. You can quickly identify vendors that have been set up for EFT payment by using the custom U of T vendor matchcode search and selecting payment method ‘E’. Read this article to find out more.
  • Onboarded vendors will have a single EFT Vendor account in SAP. As a result, duplicate vendor master records will be blocked for posting. Any open items in the blocked duplicate vendor account will be paid by cheque, but no new payment postings will be permitted.
  • For EFT payments above $50,000, documentation will need to be attached in AMS or the payment will not be generated. For non-EFT payments above $50,000, documentation should be attached in AMS or the payment will not be released.
  • When posting vendor payments above $50,000, users will receive a reminder to attach backup documentation. If backup documentation has not been attached, users will receive follow-up custom email reminders listing the documents that require attachments, with instructions on how to attach supporting documents. Watch this video to learn more.

For more information on this project, visit the Financial Services EFT page, or email purchasing.help@utoronto.ca.

EFT Project Team