Microsoft 365 milestone: U of T allows app integration

M365 logo

U of T’s Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is pleased to announce that a new process will allow controlled application integration with Microsoft 365 (M365).

Previously, any apps that accessed M365 data and MS Office add-ins were disabled due to security concerns. Now, EASI, in partnership with Information Security, has created a solution that will allow some apps that are business critical or broadly used at the departmental level to integrate with M365. The goal is to improve the user experience and allow users to realize more potential from M365.

Apps that are deemed very low risk, meaning they don’t access any M365 data, are now available for use. These include Microsoft Tech Community, Microsoft Events, Miro, Flipgrid and many others. Other apps that have been enabled include email clients like Thunderbird, Gmail and Samsung email. To see the current list of approved and pending applications, please visit the Admin Managed Apps page.

Apps that are higher risk or require individual licenses will be limited to certain users and will be managed at a departmental level. These include apps like 12twenty, myViewBoard, and DocuSign.

Once a new app is requested, it needs to be approved by divisional IT administrators, and then it heads to the Application Review Committee for evaluation. An additional risk assessment is performed and then implementation begins. New requests should be submitted through M365 App Request form.

The team faced many challenges when trying to implement this solution. They tried four different methods of controlling application access before creating a solution that balances users’ needs along with access and security. The winning combination uses Azure Active Directory, a cloud-based identity and access management service, including custom app consent policies and application user assignment groups.

The team is currently working to clear up the backlog of requests, and in the future will work on approved requests.

For more information, go to the EASI website. Admin Managed Apps | EASI (

After successful launch, U of T phonebook directory finishes final phase

Close up of woman using mobile phone and laptop

After extensive research and design activities, an overhaul of the database architecture, customization for different user groups and the launch of four modules, the U of T phonebook directory project has officially wrapped up – providing users a more modern, accurate and mobile-friendly application.

The revamped phonebook directory allows external and internal users to search for staff, faculty members and division or department information using an accessible interface. It also eases Departmental Administrators’ workloads, since staff and faculty can update secondary information.

“We’ve really worked to improve data accuracy and user experience,” says Pamela Harris, associate director of Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI). “It provides a lot of convenience – from using the application on a mobile device to allowing staff and faculty to update important parts of their information.”

This project was initiated in fall 2019 and was a collaboration between Information Technology Services and Human Resources & Equity.

Staff and faculty can log in using their UTORid and add additional phone numbers and an alternate U of T email. They can also select which phone number and email they would like to use to receive official Human Resources communications. Departmental administrators log in to their own module to primarily maintain department-specific contact information.

And when business officers cannot edit information, including creating a new department and modifying the visibility of that department, a module allows telecommunications administrators access to edit information and add new business officers to the system.

Before the team began any design work, they conducted research with staff across all three campuses to understand their thoughts on the current directory and possible improvements.

“I attended one of the initial usability testing workshops for the phonebook redesign project, where the team had set up a prototype of the actual application,” says Nathan Harrison, product delivery lead at Arts & Science Information and Instructional Technology. “It was so much easier to provide feedback on specific tasks with this approach – you’re able to provide richer feedback, and having your voice heard helps to make an enterprise change feel more inclusive for end-users.”

Similar to Google, the site takes the guesswork out of searching by providing autosuggestions, and guides people through the searching process with helpful tips. It also displays helpful information from all three campuses, including emergency, media and safety contacts.

“A key difference between the old and new application is the enhanced search functionality,” says Laura Klamot, a user experience designer with EASI. “Previously, it was more difficult for users to find what they were looking for since they might not remember a person’s full name, or be familiar with all of the department and faculty names, as well as the structure of the University. We worked hard to create an all-encompassing search.”

A new search feature allows departmental and telecommunications administrators to search by UTORid. And while users can compile a list of departmental contacts in a PDF, they can now download an easily editable CSV file.

Accessibility was also a major focus of the project. The team built the application according to accessibility standards (WCAG 2.1), and tested it using a collection of browsers, devices, and screen reader software.

Phonebook before and after
A before and after view of the U of T Phonebook, showing the improved, accessible user interface.

Beyond the user interface, the data accuracy in the new phonebook has also been greatly improved.

“The previous application relied on directory coordinators to update a lot of the information and the data became easily outdated and sometimes inaccurate,” says Na Young Lee, assistant to the director at Arts & Science Information and Instructional Technology. “Since the information is pulled from the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and various other databases, we can trust that it’s current data.”

Brian Galvis, lead phonebook directory project manager with EASI agrees.

“The new phonebook directory integrates data from many systems, including U of T’s VoIP provider, UTORauth, HRIS, University of Toronto Scarborough and the University of Toronto Mississauga. The magic of it is that all of those databases and systems come together behind the scenes to provide faster data exchanges and an overall improved user experience.”

With the ability to scale in the future, the phonebook could integrate with other university systems.

“The team has accomplished a lot with this project and we have a solid platform for potential future upgrades,” says Pamela Harris. “This could include integration with even more University of Toronto resources, such as Campus Maps, MS Outlook, and an Emergency Contact application.”

Interested in learning more about the Authenticated Search and Departmental Administrator Modules? Visit for a training video, FAQs and other resources.

UCheck Scheduled Maintenance February 21, 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.

Date: February 19, 2021
To: UCheck Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: UCheck Scheduled Maintenance February 21, 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.

Hi everyone,

Please note that UCheck will be unavailable on Sunday, February 21, 2021 from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. (EST) due to scheduled maintenance and upgrades. During this time, faculty, students, and staff will not be able to access UCheck’s health screening.

If you are coming on campus during this time, you can use the paper-based, offline forms at to complete a health screening prior to coming onto campus.


Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration

ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, March 5

Date: February 16, 2021
To: ROSI Users
From: Student Information Systems
Re: ROSI and other student systems maintenance Friday, March 5


Dear ROSI users

We will need to take ROSI and all associated student information systems offline 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., on Friday, March 5 to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.  The following systems will be affected:

Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
ACORN Grant Application
ROSI Express
Course Information System
Timetable Builder
Varsity Blues Registration System
Safety Abroad Student Registry
Exam photo invigilation
Web services/APIs

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre

Student Information Systems

Microsoft to retire Skype for Business on July 31, 2021

Date: February 5, 2021
To: ACE-IT, InfoTech, EITU
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Microsoft to retire Skype for Business on July 31, 2021


On July 31, 2021 Microsoft will retire Skype for Business Online. After that date, the service will no longer be accessible. Between now and July 31, existing Skype for Business users at the University will experience no change of service and they will be able to continue using it as needed. Before that time, we recommend you take the following actions:

For online meetings 

If your division is still using Skype for Business to schedule online meetings, we recommend upgrading to Microsoft Teams as soon as possible.

For conference rooms 

If your division is still using Skype for Business in your conference rooms, you will need to switch to an alternative service before July 31, 2021. We recommend upgrading to Microsoft Teams. 

In both instances, Teams offers improved meeting features to Skype for Business and we expect you will find the transition to be a smooth one. You can learn more about using Teams on the University’s Microsoft 365 website:

Please let us know how we can assist you in this transition by submitting a ticket through the Enterprise Service Centre.

Kind regards, 

EASI Digital Workplace

Connect+Learn: Best Practices for Teams Breakout Rooms

Join us for this session on best practices for Teams breakout rooms. Topics covered will include:

  • How should I set up breakout rooms to ensure successful collaboration?
  • What is good breakout room “etiquette”?
  • How can I manage multiple breakout rooms at once?
  • And more…

Please note: this session builds on the previous week’s training and assumes attendees have a basic understanding of what breakout rooms are and how they are set up.


Important Update for Past RPT Users

Date: January 27, 2021
To: AMS and Past RPT Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: Important Update for Past RPT Users


Dear all past RPT users:

We wanted to provide you with an update on the new reporting solution that will replace functionality offered by the previous RPT instance. This solution is located within the SAP Fiori Launchpad and allows users 24/7 access to run a range of key reports that were identified after consultation with a number of Central and Divisional users. This solution will provide reporting functionality during scheduled AMS downtimes (Fiscal Year End, Holiday Shut Down (2021 and beyond), Fiscal Month End and pay runs).

We have selected initial pilot group members to test the solution and ensure these reports run as expected.  While this group has been finalized, opportunities may become available for more participants to join as the project progresses.

After testing, we will make any necessary revisions and have targeted a launch, barring no unforeseen issues, in March 2021.

We will provide an update before launch and we will also present a Connect+Learn session to highlight new features for reporting.

Please stay tuned!

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)