Electronic Funds Transfer Project – Phase 2

Date:  January 12, 2023
Departmental Administrators
Electronic Funds Transfer Project Team
Re: Electronic Funds Transfer Project – Phase 2


Dear Departmental Administrators,

In August 2022, the University launched the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) project to transition vendor payments by paper cheque to direct deposit, offering increased payment speed while reducing processing costs for the University and vendors. In the first phase of the project, 33 Canadian currency vendors were onboarded, based on their transaction volume and spend.

With Phase 1 now complete, we would like to provide you with an update on what you can expect for Phase 2. From February 2023, we will begin an ongoing strategic onboarding of existing U of T vendors to EFT payments – please note vendor numbers will be limited due to capacity and operational requirements. EFT payment runs will continue to run weekly on Tuesdays.

Onboarding Additional Vendors

We are also ready to accept vendor recommendations from the U of T community for consideration. If you have vendors that you would like to suggest for EFT payments, please review the following before submitting your request:

  • Priority will be given to vendors with high transaction volume and spend across the University
  • 1-series vendors only (CAD payments only)
  • Each unit restricted to maximum of 5 vendors for consideration

Submit request >>

While we will make our best efforts to review your suggestions in a timely manner, not all requests may be accommodated as part of Phase 2.

Please stay tuned for more details regarding Phase 2.

For more information on this project, visit the Financial Services EFT page, or email purchasing.help@utoronto.ca.

EFT Project Team

Reminder: End of support for Windows 8.1

This is a reminder that as of January 10, 2023 Microsoft will no longer provide support for Windows 8.1. This change will have the following impacts: 

  • Microsoft will no longer provide technical assistance and software updates for devices running Windows 8.1. 
  • Microsoft 365 Apps will no longer be supported on Windows 8.1. 
  • OneDrive desktop applications running on Windows 8.1 devices will stop syncing to the cloud. 

Individuals who are currently using Windows 8.1 should upgrade to Windows 10 or 11 to avoid disruption. Users may also back up and protect their files by manually uploading and accessing them on OneDrive online. 

Learn more here:

February 1, 2023 – Count Procedures

Date: January 2, 2023
To: Faculty Registrars
From: Planning Analytics
Re: February 1, 2023 – Count Procedures


To assist you in preparing for the February 1 count, please refer to the procedures below.

On the evening of the retrieval date, February 9th, Planning & Budget will run the enrolment retrieval program to extract the records of all students with academic activities in the Winter session, with a Status Effective Date of February 1st.

Key Dates

  • Winter Count Date = Wednesday February 1st
  • Status Effective Date = Wednesday February 1st
  • Winter Count Retrieval Date = Thursday February 9th

The Winter Count Retrieval Date enables divisions extra time to make required updates in ROSI, backdated to the February 1st Registration Status Effective Date. On February 9th, all academic activities that were approved on or before February 1st will be picked up for each student. Academic activities that do not have a status set to APP (approved) on or before the February 1st Status Effective Date will be excluded from the count. You can continue to process ROSI records between February 1st and February 9th and they will be included in the enrolment count if the Status Effective Date has been set to February 1st.

Actions Required

Please perform the following actions prior to February 1st:

  1. Please run the Count-Date Preparation reports in ROSI (direct command 4 B B) as early as you can. These programs will assist you in identifying student records that may require adjustments. Examine the outputs and enter corrections/changes to the student’s record before the retrieval date.
  2. Please run the Registrations Containing Anomalous Data report in ROSI (direct command 4 B B G). This report will assist you in identifying records that may require follow up with students.
  3. Documents supporting the exempt status of international students who have been exempted from paying international fees must be on file with your division and available for reference. To identify international exempt students, please run the Registration Fee Category Overrides report in ROSI (direct command 4 B B D).
  4. Ensure that students’ Legal Status, Country of Citizenship, Permanent Address, Date of Birth, and Mother Tongue is complete.
  5. Please ensure that all Academic Activity Approval dates and Registration Status Effective Dates are set to February 1st or earlier for students who are legitimately in a course but whose ROSI records were not updated until after February 1st. This includes FINCA’d registrations that were later re-instated with a status of REG.

Please perform the following actions after February 9th:

  1. After the count retrieval, you will receive an email notification that your division’s report dataset has been created. Please review these reports. This is an additional check to ensure that no students have been missed.
  2. Before February 15th, please notify us if substantive changes need to be made to your division’s records.

If you have any questions or if you need clarification, please contact Planning & Analytics by email at planning.analytics@utoronto.ca.

EASI Retirements: February 2023

Congratulations to June Cheng, who will be retiring on February 28 after 33 years of dedicated service to U of T.

Over the years, June has been a key member of the Student Information Systems team. She has extensive business and system knowledge in all areas of ROSI and is unmatched in understanding admissions and the complexity of our interaction with OUAC for applications, admissions and transcripts.

Learn more about June below, and please join me in wishing her all the best in the future thanking her for her dedication!

Cathy Eberts
Director Enterprise Applications and Deputy CIO

headshot of June wearing glasses and smiling

June Cheng, Senior Developer and Project Supervisor
Joined U of T: August 1, 1989
Last day of work: January 13, 2023
Retirement: February 28, 2023

Describe your background and how you arrived at EASI
I studied Computer Science, so when I arrived in Canada in 1989, I naturally looked for a programming job. My first job in Canada was for an insurance company, but I switched within a month when I received the offer from U of T. I never regretted quitting that job as I love working here at U of T so much that I stayed for the next 33 years. During that time I didn’t change departments, but the department changed itself – it merged and split so many times that I can’t even keep track of – and I somehow landed with EASI.

I still remember the day I came to U of T for the interview 33 years ago (I think EASI was called SRS). I saw a guy in shorts coming out of the office, holding a coffee pot to get water and I thought he was an office assistance (I guess it’s a culture difference between here and Hong Kong, where I came from). He was actually one of the interviewers and in fact, the Director of the department! People are so casual here and back then “SRS” was a very small and homey environment, and it has now grown so much bigger into an “Enterprise.”

What will you remember most about EASI?
I have always worked on the Student Record System, which I really enjoy. There have been many platform and technology changes over the years, plus there’s unlimited business knowledge so I just could never learn everything. It has been a very fulfilling job. I really love coding (I feel it’s a honeymoon period when I do coding – of course, if there is no deadline – and if I don’t need to test as I hate testing but no luck in skipping that). While we always face challenges and frustrations, I still love this place, the people, and the work, and it had been a true blessing that I could be a part of it.

I love and will dearly miss and remember many of my co-workers from all these years. I was very lucky to come across many nice, intelligent, and dedicated people here: peers/mentors from within SIS and EASI, users from divisions/departments, and even external partners. All the great teamwork and collaborations we just can’t do without. All the thoughtfulness to enhance the system to be more user-friendly for both the users and those who support them. Everyone is so willing to help and teach; they are supportive and encouraging; they remind me of things; keep me honest; share ideas, knowledge, experiences and frustrations; some are my sounding board; and they see when I need help and jump in to rescue me. And there have been tons of treats (and some homemade); and of course all the fun and humor that makes me laugh; and their care that always touches me (both on a professional and personal level). I sincerely think that this place is full of angels and many have become good and dear friends to me.

What will you remember most about U of T?
U of T really gave me a lot of fond memories that can last for a lifetime. I gave 33 years of my work life to U of T, but I’ve gained so much more. I’ve been rewarded with plenty of joyful moments, job satisfaction, knowledge and skills, and loving friends.

I want to thank all of these angels who have shaped me to be me. I really wish them all the best; that they get what they deserve; that people value their opinions and recognize their contributions; provide support and resources that they need; and that they have an abundant and fulfilling life.

I love the campus a lot too (even though I still prefer to wfh sssshhhh). I especially love the old historical architecture (I mean like Hart House, not like 215 Huron!). I also admire the people who create the beautiful landscaping around campus that I enjoy so much during the summer. St. George campus is special, and is blended into many other businesses, condos, and organizations while still keeping its uniqueness. It also gives us a wide variety of good food nearby.

What do you plan to do in retirement?
I’ve got long to-do lists, usually I’ve got one for work and one for life. I can soon happily leave one behind (can I finish them!?) and focus on the other. Though I started to feel that I am losing my excuses to delay some of the life to-do items that I have less interest in doing. I also started to feel more intense family responsibilities now that work responsibilities are subsiding. But we’ve got to do what we have to do.

First things first, I’ll go home (Hong Kong) for a longer visit – I haven’t seen my mom and family in person for three years. I really need to declutter, and get back to some overdue maintenance for my home, yikes. I need to spend more time with my aging parents/in-laws and figure out how best to juggle between two families in two countries too. I will balance my life with some fun stuff hopefully like travelling (since everyone says to travel). Improve my cooking? And possibly learn to bake? Oh, I must get back to my favorite pottery and metal work. Perhaps learn a language so my brain won’t die so fast!?!

I won’t not-do anything…. I’m actually waiting to see what my “calling” may be (spiritual-wise) and see where to “serve”!?!? (I know, that’s a big word), I mean, I want to do something and not being a couch potato, that’s for sure… well….that’s my plan for the time being.


Schedule for the production of the 2022 Tax Forms

Date: December 5, 2022
ROSI Users 
Student Information Systems 
Re: Schedule for the production of the 2022 Tax Forms


Dear ROSI users,

*** This e-mail is sent on behalf of Student Receivable and Accounting Office ***

Following is the schedule for the production of the 2022 Tax Forms.


  • Monday, January 9, 2023 – (night) details updated on ROSI.
  • Tuesday, January 10 – Friday, February 3, 2023-Divisional updates for T4A details on ROSI.
  • Monday, February 6, 2023 – file sent to Moore Wallace for printing and mailing of the T4A’s.


  • Monday, January 30, 2023-(night) -details updated on ROSI.
  • Tuesday, January 31st – Friday, February 10, 2023- Divisional updates of T2202 details on ROSI .

 Feb 21, 2023- T2202 & T4A available on ACORN for students and ROSI/ROSI Express for staff.

For questions regarding the Education Credit details or overall schedule, contact Enterprise Service Centre (ESC): https://uoft.me/rosi-support

For questions regarding T4A details or Tuition Credit details, contact Student Receivable and Accounting Office (Ruth Bonifaz at 416 978-6400 or Audrey Cheung at 416 978-7295).


Student Information Systems

Retirement of Automatic Print for PO Workflow Users

Date: November 30, 2022
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: Retirement of Automatic Print for PO Workflow Users


Dear AMS Users,

As a follow up to an email sent in late October, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is moving ahead with the retirement of the automatic default print setting for AMS Purchase Orders (PO) effective Tuesday, December 13, 2022. This move aligns with a larger effort that is part of EASI’s modernization initiative.

From extensive stakeholder consultations, EASI has identified that the automatic printed copy is no longer required since users can print POs from the PDF version:

  • Currently, when you create or modify a PO in SAP, you automatically receive a printed copy from your network printer as well as a PDF copy via email.
  • For more information on how to track and display your purchase orders, view this video.
  • For more information on how to manually print a PO from AMS, view this video.

Please note that this change does not affect University of Toronto Scarborough staff, since they do not use this PO workflow. They will continue to use current processes to save, print, and email POs.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on this project and your support for this initiative.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

Importing U of T Holidays and Observances Calendar 2023 – 2024

Date:  November 29, 2022
To: Infotech
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re:  Importing U of T Holidays and Observances Calendar 2023 – 2024


As is done annually, we will be pushing the 2023-2024 official U of T Holiday and Religious Observances dates into users’ UTmail+ Calendar folders beginning this week. Individuals will see the following in their calendars:

  • Holidays will be marked as: all day event, out of office, no reminder and the location set to ‘U of T Holidays’.
  • Observances will be marked as: all day event, free, no reminder and the location set to ‘Non-Statutory Religious Observance’.

The full holiday schedule can be viewed at: https://people.utoronto.ca/news/holiday-schedule-2022-23-and-2023-24/

The full religious observances schedule can be viewed at: https://www.viceprovoststudents.utoronto.ca/policies-guidelines/accommodation-religious/

Kind regards,

EASI Digital Workplace

Student System Application Support During 2022 Holiday Closure

Date:  November 28, 2022
To: ROSI Users
From: Student Information Systems
Re: Student System Application Support During 2022 Holiday Closure


Hi everyone,

We will be maintaining the same levels of application support for Student Systems over the December break as we have in other years. ACORN and other student information services will be available over the holidays and will be checked periodically to ensure they are running. We will respond to Enterprise Service Centre tickets when we return at the beginning of January.

Please note that online payments will be recorded as “pending” in students’ ACORN accounts from December 21, 2022 to 3-5 business days after January 2, 2023. Bank payments will be updated on January 2, 2023.

See a detailed description of support. 

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre http://www.uoft.me/esc


Student Information Systems

AMS Holiday System Availability 2022

Date: November 28, 2022
AMS Users
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration 
Re: AMS Holiday System Availability 2022


Hi everyone,

As we quickly approach this holiday season, we would like to notify you about upcoming system closures.

Here is a full list of the closures between December 20, 2022 and January 2, 2023, and the regular system availability during December 2022:


Please note that if a system/interface is not available, reasonable but limited attempts will be made to fix the problem. There will be no HR or Financial Services staff available to help resolve problems for administrators.

We hope you enjoy the time off to spend the holidays with your friends and family.


Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration