EASI Retirements: March 2023

Congratulations to Miki Harmath, who will be retiring on March 31 after 12 years of dedicated service to U of T.

Since 2015, Miki has been key to leading the Student Information Systems (SIS) development team, which supports many applications, including ACORN, ROSI, ROSI Express, Degree Explorer, the Course Information System, Timetable Builder, Accommodated Testing Services and much more. Prior to this, he was instrumental in leading the U of T and South African development teams for Kuali. He also led the development team during the launch of major projects, including the NGSIS Platform Modernization Project, which was a large three-year upgrade to the SIS platform. We’ll miss Miki’s team building, focus on client satisfaction, as well as his sense of humour.

Learn more about Miki below, and please join me in wishing him all the best in the future!

Cathy Eberts
Director Enterprise Applications and Deputy CIO

Headshot of Miki wearing a backwards, red hat and sunglasses in the outdoors

Miki HarmathManager, Application Development, Student Information Systems
Joined U of T: March 1, 2011
Last day of work and retirement: March 31, 2023

Describe your background and how you arrived at EASI
Long story short, after arriving in Toronto in 1986 as an engineer, I decided to try my luck as a Real Estate Agent (still have my brokerage). Within a short period of time, I discovered that it does not satisfy me so for five years I was studying computer science and worked as a contractor in the private sector. In 2011, Cathy, Frank and Hossein hired me (I hope they do not regret it😊) to support Student Web Services, ROSI Express, Degree Explorer and other apps. During the KUALI years, I led the U of T and the South African development teams and later the ACORN Development Team. Since fall 2015, I have been enjoying working as Manager, Application Development with a wonderful team at EASI.

What will you remember most about EASI?
Through various positions, I had the opportunity to grow professionally and personally. At EASI we do development the ‘right way’ closely following industry standards, which contrasts with the private sector where application development has too many shortcuts. I am most thankful for the wonderful people I have been working with and feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to be part of the team.

What will you remember most about U of T?
U of T has been constantly ranked as one of the top employers in Canada, has been ranked among the top 20 universities in the world, and is among the top two public institutions in North America in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. It has been a privilege working for U of T – a world-class institution.

What do you plan to do in retirement?
It will be an ‘active retirement’😊; I am planning to boost physical activity and travel. As well, I plan to explore 3D printing, enhance my real estate business and perhaps engage in several investments and renovation projects.

AMS System Maintenance – Saturday, March 11 from 5:00am to 3:00pm

Date: February 27, 2023
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: AMS System Maintenance – Saturday, March 11 from 5:00am to 3:00pm


Hi everyone,

Please note that the following systems will be unavailable on Saturday, March 11 from 5:00am to 3:00pm due to system maintenance:

  • Academic Administrative Appointments (AAA)
  • Capital Project Portal
  • Employee Self-Service (ESS)/Manager Self-Service (MSS)
  • Employees@UofT
  • EvoSuite Applications (EvoOrder, EvoPlan, EvoNotify)
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • Fiori Launchpad Reporting
  • Invoice Workflow
  • My Customer Account
  • My Research (MR/Portal)
  • SAP Asset Manager Mobile (sync will not work)

See our System Availability page for a list of ongoing information on system status.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

Default to ECOPRINT – PDF Printing on February 27

Date: February 22, 2023
To:  ROSI Users
From:  Student Information Systems, EASI
Re: Default to ECOPRINT – PDF Printing on February 27


Dear ROSI Users,

As noted in a communication sent on November 14, 2022, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) is completing changes to the infrastructure that currently manages physical printing from the ROSI and AMS systems.

On February 27, 2023, most ROSI outputs will transition exclusively to PDF printing. The Destination/Printer popup in ROSI will default to ECOPRINT. To open, save, or print the output, navigate to ROSI Files and open the folder with your ROSI ID then open the ECOPRINT folder.

For details, view the Printing section of  the Getting Started page on the Student Information Systems SharePoint site. You can also view a past Connect+Learn session on Printing to PDF in ROSI.

Documents in ROSI Files are automatically purged after 30 days. Files that need to be retained should be moved to a secure location (e.g., locked filing cabinet if printed, secure departmental server or SharePoint if retained in electronic form).

Please note, some ROSI users are occasionally encountering an issue with ROSI Files where a “Proxy Error” is returned. This has been reported to the vendor of the platform (Crush) on which ROSI Files sits. Users who receive this error should try opening ROSI Files in a private browser or incognito window (or clear their browser cookies).

Student Information Systems

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Accessibility gets a boost: U of T launches new Accommodated Testing Services platform

Exterior of the exam centre with someone walking by

Requesting, reviewing and processing accommodated test bookings just became easier for U of T’s instructors, staff and students.

The university’s new Accommodated Testing Services platform introduces significant benefits to manage over 25,000 requests per year through pre-existing U of T platforms.

In partnership with Accommodated Testing Services (ATS), Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI) fully launched the platform in January 2023.

“Due in part to a large increase in accommodated test requests, we needed to revamp our existing services,” says Steven Bailey, director of Learning Space Management. “Since 2010, we’ve seen a 146 per cent increase in accommodated test bookings. This new platform is not only helping to deal with the volume of requests but also provides a seamless, transparent and intuitive user experience.”

The ATS platform provides increased efficiency and security for instructors, helps administrators manage and track a high volume of requests, and ultimately reduces barriers for students registering to write with accommodations.

“These improvements for all users speak to how ATS works cooperatively with Accessibility Services and how we play a vital role in the execution of U of T’s commitment to accessibility,” says Bailey. “After an in-depth initial assessment, we discovered we could leverage well-known pre-existing U of T applications, making it easier for everyone to adapt to a new platform.”

Students who have test writing accommodations registered with Accessibility Services on the St. George Campus can conveniently request and view upcoming, past and cancelled bookings through ACORN. Instructors can submit accommodated test details and documents within the Course Information System, and administrators can coordinate accommodated tests through a new administrative system.

Since the beginning of the project in 2019, the project team consulted with a broad cross-section of students, instructors, staff and senior leadership. These consultations continued throughout all phases of the project.

After a pilot with select divisions, the instructor module was released to all instructors on the St. George Campus in fall 2020 and initial administrator functionality was released in 2021. The student request module in ACORN, as well as a significant portion of the administrative application, was released in January 2023.

“By combining a user-centered approach with process streamlining, we rolled out functionality and gathered feedback in stages,” says Mark Johnston, product manager working with EASI. “Using this iterative approach, we could design a platform that provides excellent service to all users, especially for students writing tests and exams with accommodations.”

What’s next for ATS?

The ATS team plans to enhance the current system by introducing functionality to support final exams beginning with the April 2023 exam period and, longer-term, roll-out additional functionality to support the broader Accessibility Services mandate at U of T.

“This is a significant step forward for U of T in its commitment to supporting students with accommodating testing needs,” says Bailey. “We are extremely happy to have these new platforms available to our stakeholders and look forward to improving and building these services going forward.”

Interested in learning more? View this video on how students create a request for an accommodated test within ACORN.

ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, March 3

Date: February 21, 2023   
ROSI Users; Registrar’s Offices
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: ROSI Database Quarterly Maintenance – Friday, March 3


Dear ROSI users,

Please note that we will need to take ROSI and all associated student information systems offline on Friday, March 3 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to perform quarterly maintenance on the database. We will return the systems to service sooner if the work is completed earlier than 9 p.m.  The following systems will be affected:

  • Course Information System
  • Degree Explorer (Student and Admin)
  • EASI Institutional File Transfer
  • Elections
  • eMarks
  • Exam photo invigilation
  • Online Administrative Student Information System (OASIS)
  • Rocket Shuttle
  • ROSI
  • ROSI Express
  • ROSI Files
  • Safety Abroad Student Registry
  • Varsity Blues Registration System
  • Web services/APIs

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad and on social media so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

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Student Information Systems

Teams features that will move to Teams Premium

Some Teams features are part of the preview for Teams Premium and will move from Teams licenses to Teams Premium licenses. Each of these features has a grace period of 30 or 60 days after general availability. When the grace period expires, users will lose access to that feature.

The features that are currently in preview and will be moving to Teams premium are:

    • Live translated captions (to be disabled in April).
    • PPT live chapters.
    • Timeline markers in Teams meeting recordings for when a user left or joined meetings.
    • Custom organization Together mode scenes.

For more information, please read this overview from Microsoft: How does Teams Premium compare to Teams?

EFT Phase 2 – Important Announcements 

Date: February 15, 2023
Departmental Administrators
Electronic Funds Transfer Project Team
Re: EFT Phase 2 – Important Announcements


Dear Departmental Administrators,

As noted in a communications sent on January 12, 2023, the University is currently launching Phase 2 of the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) project.

Starting March 2, 2023, we will begin a gradual onboarding of existing U of T vendors to EFT payments. EFT payment runs will continue to run weekly on Tuesdays.

Please note the following changes to business processes:

  • All payments after onboarding must be paid through EFT.  You can quickly identify vendors that have been set up for EFT payment by using the custom U of T vendor matchcode search and selecting payment method ‘E’. Read this article to find out more.
  • Onboarded vendors will have a single EFT Vendor account in SAP. As a result, duplicate vendor master records will be blocked for posting. Any open items in the blocked duplicate vendor will be paid by cheque, but no new postings will be permitted.
  • Payments above $50,000 will not be processed if documentation has not been attached, which includes EFT and other select vendor groups. When posting vendor payment postings above $50,000 users will receive a reminder to attach backup documentation. If backup documentation has not been attached, users will receive follow-up custom email reminders listing the documents that require attachments, with instructions on how to attach supporting documents. Watch this video to learn more.

For more information on this project, visit the Financial Services EFT page, or email purchasing.help@utoronto.ca.

EFT Project Team

System Maintenance – Feb. 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Date: January 24, 2023
To: AMS Users
From: Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
Re: System Maintenance – Feb. 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Hi everyone,

Please note that the following systems will be unavailable on Saturday, February 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. due to system maintenance:

  • Academic Administrative Appointments (AAA)
  • Azure Data Studio
  • Capital Project Portal
  • Employee Self-Service (ESS)/Manager Self-Service (MSS)
  • Employees@UofT
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • Fiori Launchpad Reporting
  • Instructor Lookup Report
  • Invoice Workflow
  • My Research (MR/Portal)
  • Power BI
  • U of T Directory

See our System Availability page for ongoing information on system status.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

System Maintenance – Feb. 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Date: January 24, 2023  
ROSI Users
Student Information Systems  
System Maintenance – Feb. 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Dear ROSI users,

We will need to take select student information-related systems offline on Saturday, February 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. due to maintenance on the Azure platform.

The following systems will be affected:

  • Accommodated Testing Services (Admin)
  • ACORN (Accommodated Testing Services and the Student Equity Census functionality only)
  • Azure Data Studio
  • Candidacy API
  • Course Information System (Accommodation Module only)
  • Degree Confirmation
  • OASIS (Timetable Builder Admin and Absence Declaration)
  • Power BI
  • Rocket Shuttle
  • Timetable Builder
  • U of T Directory

Degree Explorer, eMarks, and other systems not listed above will remain available. ACORN and the Course Information System will be available with the exception of Accommodated Testing Services and the Student Equity Census.

A notice will be posted on the ACORN launchpad and social media regarding Timetable Builder, Accommodated Testing Services, and the Student Equity Census so that students are aware of the outage.

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre http://www.uoft.me/esc


Student Information Systems

Saving time, standardizing electronic transcripts

As part of a substantial upgrade to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) transcript exchange, U of T introduced consistent, easy-to-read PDF transcripts, allowing admissions staff to view relevant information in one location. It’s a project that has dramatically improved workflows for processing over 20,000 incoming electronic post-secondary transcripts each year.

“We worked with the University Registrar’s Office (URO) to convert incoming post-secondary XML transcripts into PDF format,” says Matt Hendrickson, technical lead with Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI). “If admissions staff receive a transcript from any university or college in Canada, they’ll see a PDF with information presented in a standard format.”

The upgrade has had many benefits, leading to streamlined processes for staff.

“In the past, admissions staff consulted a number of different systems to access transcript information, which was sometimes difficult to read and often added more time to the assessment process,” says Sinisa Markovic, deputy university registrar and director of operations with the URO. “Now, we are able to consolidate all the information in Slate, in a user-friendly format, making the process more efficient and less error prone.”

The EASI team used foundational work done by the URO, as part of the Canadian Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (CanPESC) Common Digital Working Group, as a starting point for the standard PDF transcript format.

“The framework, called the Common Digital Layout (CDL), represents a minimally agreed-upon layout determined by the working group, and it’s something that can then be adapted to meet each institutions’ specific needs,” says the project lead, Joseph Minichini, assistant university registrar, policy and projects with the URO. “The EASI team took our foundational work and referenced it for U of T’s purposes. Using the CDL design, staff are now able to see XML transcripts, coming from a variety of institutions, in the same consistent and familiar format, making it easier for them to work with.”

U of T joined the CanPESC working group, led by OUAC, in June 2019 as the pilot institution. The CanPESC promotes adoption of data standards across Canada.

The PDF transcript project builds on U of T’s previous upgrade to OUAC’s transcript exchange to align with new data standards. The update to a modern data format involved an entire rewrite of the data model and application.

“For over two years, my colleague June Cheng worked with EASI staff and the URO to help U of T modernize its electronic transcript exchange,” says Hendrickson. “This update improved data quality and processing efficiency, and it also set the scene for PDF transcripts.”

In June 2022, U of T presented on the XML to PDF transcript solution at a conference hosted by the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada and the Pan-Canadian Consortium on Admissions & Transfer.

The working group has published resources that other institutions can use to implement their own CDL transcript, and the group will publish an implementation guide in the near future.

“It’s been a very successful project that has improved the admissions process,” says Hendrickson. “It’s been great working with people at EASI as well as the URO and OUAC to ensure we met the different stakeholders’ needs.”