SAP GUI 7.6 Patch 6 Rollout – Stage 1

Date: August 14, 2020
Divisional IT Administrators
Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration
SAP GUI 7.6 Patch 6  Rollout – Stage 1

This communication is intended for divisional IT administrators.

As part of the S/4HANA Migration Project, divisional users from across the University have been invited to the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) phase beginning on Monday, August 24 and concluding on Friday, September 18.

The SAP GUI rollout will be divided in two stages. Stage 1 is for UAT Participants with targeted completion for August 24. Stage 2 is for all other SAP GUI users with targeted completion for September 18.

As part of this project, and as many of you might already be aware, we will need your help to upgrade from SAP GUI 7.5 Patch 12 (Enjoy theme) to SAP GUI 7.6 Patch 6 (Blue Crystal theme). The new SAP GUI comes with the modern Blue Crystal GUI theme and the old Enjoy theme, used by most users, will no longer be available. The SAP GUI upgrade represents minimal change to business processes and will be easy for users to adapt. Further communications will be sent to UAT participants detailing these changes.

We expect a total of 40 UAT divisional power users. Here is a baseline list of participants – please review the list to see who will need the SAP GUI update in your area. If you do not have access to this folder, please use SharePoint’s “Request Access” feature.

The deployment package was developed by the central Digital Workplace Team and has been used to quickly and automatically roll out the SAP GUI to over 100 central users. You can download it here.

If you are a Digital Workplace client, please know that the Digital Workplace team will be responsible for deploying the SAP GUI to managed workstations.

If there are divisions that want to build their own deployment package, or do not have managed desktops, they can use this instructional video and the manual instructions.

The S/4HANA Migration Project will improve performance speed and create a platform for future modernization. It is also part of the next phase of the U of T Enterprise Modernization Program – a project that is set to upgrade the administrative management systems and transform the future for more than 33,000 staff and faculty.

We will be creating a dedicated Teams channel for divisional IT administrators. In order to be added to this channel, please reach out to Praveen Narayanaswamy at and provide your First Name, Last Name and Division. Please note, this channel is meant to answer specific queries from divisional IT administrators for the SAP GUI deployment. It is not meant for end user communications.

Thank you for your help and support in making this project a success.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

CIS 5.10.0 Release

Date: August 14, 2020
CIS Users
Course Information System (CIS)
CIS 5.10.0 Release

Dear CIS Registrar’s Office users,

We would like to you know that CIS 5.10.0 is now live, with the notable changes listed below. Please refer to the Release Report for the full details.

  • Excel extract functionality has been added for the Syllabi module.
  • Course Group file upload functionality has been restored. Please note that there are changes to the file format, detailed in our documentation.

If you have any questions or need support for CIS, please refer to the CIS documentation or submit a ticket via the Enterprise Service Centre (ESC) with the form options indicated below:

  • Indicate the area in which you are experiencing an issue: Applications and Systems
  • Further specify the area: Student Information Systems
  • Select an application: Course Information System

This email has been sent from a service account and does not accept replies. Please direct any follow up questions to the Enterprise Service Centre

Course Information System


Introducing Microsoft Shifts – August 13, 2020

Join Connect+Learn for this introduction to Microsoft Shifts. Shifts is a schedule management tool that lets you create, update and manage schedules for your team​. With Shifts, you can:​

  • Create a new schedule or import an existing schedule from Excel.​
  • Toggle between different Shifts schedules to manage them if you own multiple teams.​
  • Create staff groups to help you better organize your schedule.​
  • Review requests for schedule changes.​
  • Allow your team to clock in and out with their mobile devices.


AMS Password Policy Change and AMS Outage August 22

In an effort to implement best practices and increase security, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration is implementing a new password policy  for U of T’s Administrative Management System. While this update will occur on Saturday, August 22, it will take effect when  users are prompted for their regularly scheduled password change (this normally this happens every 90 days). Users will be provided with easy-to-follow instructions for their new password within SAP, which include the following:

  • Minimum Password Length: 8
  • On password change – at least one char to differentiate between old and new passwords
  • At least one digit
  • At least one letter
  • At least one special character
  • At least one lower-case character
  • At least one upper-case character
  • 5 records to be stored in the password history

Please note, that users’ UTORids will remain unaffected.

In order to implement this policy, the following Administrative Management Systems will not be available on Saturday, August 22 from 7 am to 12 pm:

  • AMS
  • Employee Self-Service & Manager Self-Service (ESS/MSS)
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • My Research
  • Capital Project Portal and Invoice Workflow

View details of systems affected by outage

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

Update to Teams meeting recording policy

Good afternoon, 

Effective August 20, for users who are not full-time active faculty or staff, recordings from Teams meetings will no longer be automatically uploaded to Stream. Teams meeting recordings will be available for download from a meeting’s chat for a period of 21 days. After 21 days, the meeting recording will no longer be available for download from the chat. 

For instructions on how to access meeting recordings and upload them to Stream manually, please refer to this knowledge base article:  

For full-time active faculty and staff, Teams meeting recordings will continue to be uploaded to Microsoft Stream. 

This change is expected to last through the end of 2020, and Microsoft will continue to provide updates. 

Kind regards, 

EASI Digital Workplace 

Discontinuation of support for TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0 and 1.1

Good afternoon, 

As of October 15, 2020 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will no longer be supported and we will be working towards disabling them in ADFS. Support will only be available for TLS 1.2. 

This may cause issues when users attempt to connect to Office 365 from certain devices/apps. The following are some clients that will not work with TLS 1.2: 

  • Android 4.3 and earlier versions
  • Firefox version 5.0 and earlier versions
  • Internet Explorer 8-10 on Windows 7 and earlier versions (Note: Windows 7 will work with TLS 1.2 but will require a registry fix)
  • Internet Explorer 10 on Win Phone 8.0
  • Safari 6.0.4/OS X10.8.4 and earlier versions

Clients are recommended to update their devices and apps to the most current versions. 

Full details can be seen at: 

Kind regards, 

EASI Digital Workplace 


AMS Password Policy Change and AMS Outage August 22

Date: August 13, 2020
AMS Users
Administrative Management Systems
AMS Password Policy Change and AMS Outage August 22

Dear Administrative Management System users,

In an effort to implement best practices and increase security, Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration is implementing a new password policy in AMS. While this update will occur on Saturday, August 22, it will take effect when you are prompted for your regularly scheduled password change (as you are aware, this normally this happens every 90 days). You will be provided with easy-to-follow instructions for your new password within SAP, which include the following:

  • Minimum Password Length: 8
  • On password change – at least one char to differentiate between old and new passwords
  • At least one digit
  • At least one letter
  • At least one special character
  • At least one lower-case character
  • At least one upper-case character
  • 5 records to be stored in the password historyPlease note, that your UTORid will remain unaffected.

In order to implement this policy, the following Administrative Management Systems will not be available on Saturday, August 22 from 7 am to 12 pm: 

  • AMS
  • Employee Self-Service & Manager Self-Service (ESS/MSS)
  • Expense Reimbursement Direct Deposit (ERDD)
  • My Research
  • My Research On Line
  • Capital Project Portal and Invoice Workflow

Click here to view details of systems affected by outage 

Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.

Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI)

EASI Retirements: August 2020

Congratulations to Gaye Wignall, who will be retiring on August 31 after 31 years of dedicated service to the university. Gaye joined the Student Information Systems team in January 2000 and has worked on a broad range of projects, including ROSI, ROSI Express, Convocation, Degree Explorer, Varsity Blues Registration System, StarRez and OUAC.

Learn more about Gaye below, and please join me in wishing her all the best in the future!

Cathy Eberts
Director Enterprise Applications and Deputy CIO

Gaye Wignall poses for a photo in front of brick wall

Gaye Wignall, Senior Information Systems Analyst, EASI
Joined U of T: September 1989
Retirement and last day at work: August 31, 2020

Describe your background and how you arrived at EASI
My path at the University of Toronto has been very interesting and full of twists and turns. It all began when I listed my name with a temporary agency. They found me an administrative position with Kathryn Hough and Dr. Fraser Mustard at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. From there, I was fortunate to gain experience with the following mentors:

  • Darlene Frampton and Jennifer Clark, Public Relations, Faculty of Arts and Science
  • Sharon Bradley, Alumni Office, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Health
  • Terry Rubenstein, Financial Office, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Health
  • Angela Snikkar, Rick Hayward and Jennifer Leigh, Student Information Systems
  • Marilee Keogh and Rodney Branch, Client Services, EASI

Each mentor has had a part in shaping who I am today by imparting their guidance, knowledge and encouragement.  I am most grateful for their leadership.

What will you remember most about EASI?
In a word “teamwork”. Angela Snikkar informed me when she hired me at SIS that no one would ever know everything there was to know about ROSI. If I needed help in understanding a particular issue, I needed to speak with the “expert” – the person who had the knowledge about that particular area of ROSI. The advice also applies to EASI. I could not have done my job at EASI without the support and expertise of others. Everyone has been so willing to explain, assist and answer my questions. I will never forget their kindness.

What will you remember most about U of T?
All the great people who work there and special moments shared together.

What do you plan to do in retirement?
Switch from left-brained to right-brained, and see where my creativity takes me; and of course, have fun experiencing new places, new challenges, and meeting new people along the way.

U of T’s New Phonebook – Authenticated Search and Departmental Administrator Modules Launch

Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that U of T has now launched the Authenticated Search and Departmental Administrator modules for the phonebook directory. As you may be aware, the public website was launched on July 29. The directory features a more modern, accurate and mobile-friendly website, where you can easily search for staff, faculty members and division or department information using an accessible interface.

Want to learn more about the Authenticated Search and Departmental Administrator Modules? Attend one of our training sessions on August 19 or 20 to find out about the minor changes that will be introduced. On the same webpage, you can also view a recording of a previous training session and we have provided FAQs and a table that reflects the changes from the old to new phonebook.

This new phonebook directory will ease Departmental Administrators’ workload, since staff and faculty can update secondary information (for example alternate email/phone number). Primarily, Departmental Administrators will need to maintain departmental-specific contact information.

Learn more about the project and read an article about the new phonebook.

Please note: the U of T Phonebook Directory is supported on Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.


Since fall 2019, Information Technology Services along with Human Resources & Equity have worked to improve data accuracy and have also conducted extensive research, design and usability testing across all three campuses.


Public Search (Launched July 29) – Available to all internal and external users 

  • Will allow for users to easily search for staff, faculty members and division or department information.
  • Will offer more reliable and robust data due to a new process flow, continuous data cleansing and automation.
  • Similar to Google, the site will take the guesswork out of searching by providing autosuggestions, and will guide people through the searching process with helpful tips.
  • Will display helpful information from all three campuses, including emergency, media and safety contacts.
  • Will provide a more modern user experience, which is accessible and mobile-friendly.

Authenticated Search (Launched August 11) – Available to U of T staff and faculty when they log in using their UTORid

  • Will provide a self-serve option, allowing users to update their contact information.
  • Will allow users to download a list of search results and departmental contacts.

Departmental Administrator Module (Launched August 11)

  • Will ease Departmental Administrators’ workload, since staff and faculty can update secondary information– Departmental Administrators will still need to update individuals’ primary information and departmental information.

Questions or need help? Submit a ticket to the Enterprise Service Centre.

Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI)

Peak enrolment 2020: two years after platform modernization improvements

It’s been over two years since U of T completed a massive upgrade to its student information system. After converting millions of lines of code and replacing an aging server, how did the system handle peak enrolment this year? 

On July 31, over 35,000 Faculty of Arts & Science students logged in to ACORN during the largest enrolment day for U of T. Similar to last year, the system successfully handled the massive number of logins during the Faculty’s “priority drop” enrolment period. 

This year, Enterprise Infrastructure Services helped us to make some improvements to the authentication servers,” says Haroon Rafique, DevOps Manager with Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI). “These improvements helped us to balance the large load of students equally so we didn’t see a lot of bottlenecks. We also worked closely with Information Security to make sure we had a streamlined process. 

The first round of enrolment at 9 a.m. had a peak of 2,300 students and the second round was smooth sailing for students. The third enrolment period at 11 a.m. performed even better than other sessions even with an increase in volume and complexity. At 11:06 a.m., there were 4,183 students logged in and by 11:13 a.m. that number had decreased to 2,635. The 12 p.m. enrolment period was even faster and overall the day was a success. 

In order to ensure students have a smooth enrolment day, the team starts planning three months in advance. 

“Before peak enrolment, we go through an in-depth infrastructure review and then perform load tests to see if any changes to the application or infrastructure are causing any issues,” says Laurel Williams, an Information Technology Analyst with EASI. “Also, we’ve been monitoring other enrolments this month and responding to any issues we’ve seen, and we’ve tweaked the configuration to make it optimal for the largest enrolment day.” 

Unlike other years, when staff need to arrive at work extra early, staff met through a virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams. 

“It was nice to miss the early morning commute, but it’s also great when we can project all of the statistics at the same time and walk around and look at each other’s screens,” says Williams. “Hopefully next year we can get together again in person and enjoy the coffee and muffins!”  

Image of donuts getting covered in icing

This year, staff enjoyed their virtual donuts from home 

What can staff and students expect next year? 

“With new servers and the new platform, we’ve seen an improvement and now with two years under our belt we feel much more comfortable,” says Rafique. “In early July we identified servers that needed balancing. We’re continually evolving and developing better techniques and processes. 

Williams agrees.  

“It’s one of the most important days for students and we want to ensure they’re successful. We’ll continue to do infrastructure reviews and load tests to make ensure students are successful.” 

Photo of smiling staff on Teams with their cameras turned on

Some members of the team celebrate another successful peak enrolment day 

Thank you to everyone on the team, including Client Services Representatives and registrars across the University: 

Frank Boshoff
Magdalene Cheung
Richard Chow
Paul Day

Zunan Dong
Paul Fardy
Miki Harmath
Matt Hendrickson
Titus Hsu
Sarosh Jamal
André Kalamandeen
Laura Klamot
Stefanos Kythreotis
Haroon Rafique
Ken Tsang
Parani Vinayagamoorthy
Laurel Williams
Mike Wiseman
Mike Wyers
Eric Xiang
Xin Xiang